Category Archives: Tips

15 Tips on How To Declutter Your Kitchen

Good morning to all you lovely people, I hope you have all had a good week so far… Today I need to inform all British Gas users to beware especially if you use a smart meter. I did absolutely love using these meters, because that way you can control how much you put on at one time, Instead of paying quarterly by direct debit, as it works out so much more expensive than when you use a smart meter. But the one thing nobody tells you is what happens if you put some money on the meter, and it doesn’t actually go through properly, and nothing shows up on your smart meter, but the money has still been taken out of your bank account. To say I was angry was an understatement, and what made it worse is it happened over the weekend, and trying to contact the bank to stop the payment from going out was impossible you were sent around in circles with no one doing anything to help. Then when I got in touch with British Gas all you got was an A.I. who was no help whatsoever and couldn’t help me at all. Then when I rang on Monday, I eventually spoke to someone at British Gas, I told him what happened, and that I wanted my money back as my husband ended up putting some on, so I didn’t want anymore on, not at this time, which is why I requested my money back, but he stated, I’m sorry we don’t do that, I will give you a code to put on your meter. Let’s say I told him what I thought and that I wanted to put in a complaint about not getting my money back.

Do you feel so overwhelmed by your cluttered kitchen? Because I know I certainly do. This is a place that is at the heart of the home, it is where everyone gathers for family meals, and talks about their day and where you end up spending most of your time doing things like cooking, baking and entertaining. Do you want to create a kitchen that you feel proud of? If you are ready to make life easy by simplifying and creating a kitchen that you will love. Following this guide will show you how you too, can declutter your kitchen. It is always a good idea to devote a big chunk of your weekend or day (depending on, how big your kitchen is and how much needs to be decluttered). It will leave you with a spring in your step as the kitchen will feel refreshed like a whole new space. For you to get started, all you will need is a couple of boxes that will hold items you no longer use or want, give them to a new home by donating, and a large black trash bag or two for the things you throw away. Make sure you have a separate box for items that go elsewhere.

What Questions To Ask Yourself When Your Decluttering

Here are some questions you need to ask yourself, as your sorting through each item. It is best to act quickly, that way you are not taking hours over one thing. You need to be assertive, and decisive in your decisions, regarding what you keep, donate and bin. If you are unsure or feeling a bit stuck on what to do, these questions will help a great deal…

Do I need this? This is one that you shouldn’t have to think that long or take much time to decide. You either use this, or you don’t. There is NO question asking you ” Will I use this soon?”
Do I have more than one of these? How many wooden spoons does one person really need? Do you really need all five muffin tins? How many cookie cutters do you need? I suggest that you work out if you are going to use them regularly. If you don’t need it ditch it, you can always borrow from family, friends or neighbours for any one-time events. Choose your favourite ones that you want to keep, while any extras can be donated.
Am I going to use this? You want to ask yourself am I going to use this again, or is it just going to take up room at the back of my cupboard, drawers etc.
Would I buy this? Our tastes and styles change all the time, so this is a pretty essential question. Look around and ask yourself if you still love your style. Does it make the grade, of how you envision this space to be? Will it fit in by adding beauty to the space, or just adding to the clutter?
Will this make my life easier? There are probably some items that you don’t really need, but you may use regularly to help you simplify your life like a rice cooker, air fryer, etc. even though you could easily do them on the hob or in the oven, but if really helps to make your life a lot easier and run smoother. You can definitely splurge on some items, but just make sure that they are useful to you, and not sitting in the cupboard collecting dust. Ask yourself how important is it to keep this item and if it will make your life a lot better.


Countertops are one of the things that tend to always look messy, as you always seem to accumulate clutter on the counters, which makes it much harder to do a wipe down and keep clean. To make it more efficient go through any letters lying around, important ones are put in a box file, while non-important ones are thrown away. Small appliances that are not in regular use, but you still use, store them away and get out when you need them. Minimise what you have on the countertop, it will not only look good but it will make your life so much easier to manage, keep clean and tidy.


Sorting out the pantry should be done regularly. Make sure you check to see if anything is open, if you don’t see yourself using it for quite some time, throw it away, which also includes anything that is past its used-by date, and put it all into a trash bag. If you have stocked up on items that you no longer use or want or won’t be used in the timeframe, you can always put them in the donate box, ready for the food bank.

Fridge and Freezer

Go thoroughly threw both the fridge and freezer. Check to see if anything has expired, got freezer burns and any perishables that as been overlooked, now is the time to bin it. While tastes change all the time, you should make sure if there is anything you no longer like or want, then put it in the donate box that is to go to the food bank. Don’t forget to check the expiration dates on bottles, and cans too, as you never know what you might find.

Small Kitchen Appliances

Although small kitchen appliances are handy, they do take up a lot of room, if it’s no longer in use, you don’t want it anymore, or it could be done by another appliance, you can either donate or sell it. Make sure all your appliances work if not put them in the trash bag, there’s no reason to store something if it’s broken as it just clutters your cupboards up.


Gather all your cookbooks, and go through them checking to see if you need them all. If there are only one or two recipes that you want, consider writing those ones out and putting them in a binder or you could even put them them in a recipe folder on a USB stick, rather than keeping the whole book. Ask yourself if there are any cookbooks you no longer want and then put them in the donate box. Are you someone who likes to collect recipe magazines, I suggest that you tear out the pages that you would like to keep and insert them in the binder.


Look out for anything that has acquired rust, scratches, and looks old, as well as anything that has gotten damaged, or broken, then now is the time to bin it. If they are unused or you have doubled up on, like baking and cookie sheets, cake and muffin tins, pie dishes, mixing bowls etc. then find a new home by donating or selling.

Junk Drawer

No matter who you are, everyone always seems to accumulate their own version of a junk drawer where you literally shove everything in, from takeout menus to old batteries, make sure you only keep what is necessary and what you actually want to keep. Throw away all takeout menus as you can easily look them up online. Get rid of any old or extra phone chargers, old batteries and anything else that you don’t need etc.


Sort through your spices, chances are you have never used a lot of them. Throw any away that you don’t use or have lost their flavour too and are out of date. Keep the ones that you are going to use frequently.

Kitchen Gadgets

Having a kitchen gadget can look and sound so inviting, but how many times do you really use them, the answer to that is very seldom. the novelty will wear off and you are left with something you have barely used. Donate all the gadgets you no longer use, as you have something else that does multiple things, so you have no use for it. There’s no reason for you to save it for someday, as that day will never come around, just keep what you need.


Some people tend to store their medication in the kitchen, as it is easier to access if you are one of these people, make sure you store them in a cool dry place. Go through all your medications and any that is unopened, out of date, or no longer in use, return it back to the pharmacy for disposal. Make sure your medications are always up-to-date and always know what each one is for.


Make sure all of your tableware is in good condition and that the glasses, coffee mugs, plates, bowls etc, are not chipped, cracked, or broken, in any way, otherwise you need to bin them. Try not to Stack mugs and glasses on top of each other, as it screams you have too many occupying a single space. You should have enough that will last you and your family throughout the day, any more than that needs to go. Keep your favourites to the side, while any extra or mismatched, you can either have them on show or donate them The same applies to the rest of the tableware like plates and bowls etc, as there’s no point in cluttering up your cupboards with excess clutter.

Under The Sink

Take a look through your cleaning supplies and see if there’s anything you don’t want, and get rid of any ones you no longer have use for. If you have multiple bottles of the same product, combine them together. Sometimes we like to try new products to see if they are better than what we already use, and have acquired so many bottles that are not wanted or needed anymore, now is the time to throw them away, and just keep what you are going to use regularly. If you have any cleaning product that is just about empty, put it to the front so that it is used up first. Never have more than you need, otherwise, it is just clutter.

Cookware and Utensils

If you have too many wooden spoons and cooking utensils, only keep what you really need, Sort through all of your saucepans, trays etc. We do tend to accumulate them when we go out and buy a new one, and instead, of getting rid of the old ones, it just gets pushed to the back of the cupboard. Get rid of any that have gone rusty, discoloured or looking a bit drab, it tells you they are no longer any good. Don’t hang on to multiple items, donate them providing they are in good condition otherwise, bin them.

Food Storage Containers

Go through all your food containers and match them with their lids, any that don’t match up, throw them away. Donate any unwanted containers, that you no longer have the need or use for.

Tea Towels

It is always good to go through your tea towels and discard any that are looking a bit worn, ripped, or discoloured. Make sure that the remaining towels are in good condition, and they are still what you want, need, or are going to use, otherwise, donate the ones you know longer have any use for.

I hope that this post helps you on your way to decluttering your kitchen, and makes it look like somewhere you are happy to spend time in, a place you would be happy to show off, and won’t give you a headache with the amount of clutter that you had before. It will feel like a new kitchen, so refreshing.

Thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to read my post. Enjoy the rest of your week, and I will see you back here next time. Have an awesome week.

10 Tips On Time Management

Good morning world, hope you are all having a great week. On Sunday my family and I went in the dreaded Morrisons, to do some shopping, we popped in on our way back from the dentist. We were at the self-checkout when the red light started flashing and on screen it said unexpected item, It is so inconvenient when it does that for no reason, and you have to wait for someone to come along, to key something in before you can finish and be on your way. We were waiting patiently and saw the person who would do that for us, so we tried to get her attention, even when she was practically in front of us, but instead she blanked us all and went straight passed us. Eventually she came to our self-checkout, took one look at us, and instead of doing her thing for us to continue on with scanning the rest of our shopping, she turned around and said, you need to move to another till and started moving us to a different till, she was rude and obnoxious who seemed to have an attitude with us. Is it because my daughter is in a wheelchair? Does she not like the way we looked? or was it something else? When my husband voiced his opinion about the store, she attacked us back with words in such a disrespectful way. That really didn’t help my anxieties of going into Morrison, after everything my daughter and myself have been through with this supermarket chain. Anyway, lets get on with this weeks blog post.

No matter who you are, you always find that you don’t have the time to get all the important things done, because there’s not enough hours in a day for you to achieve it. You are left wishing you had more time to do the things you love to do, instead you are left feeling overwhelmed with getting chores, or work, done. A lot of us get distracted by social media or frequently interrupted by non-important phone calls. Time management is something that we all want and need in our every day lives, that will improve your life dramatically, and won’t leave you stressed out, leaving more time to spend time with your family, friends, and having fun. Here are 10 tips on how to manage you time more efficiently.

Wake Up Early

Wake up half an hour earlier, that way you will always be so far ahead of everyone of your tasks, that you won’t feel the need to hurry. You won’t feel the stress of time going by so quickly, instead, you will be able to find the time for more important things in your life.

Daily Planner

A daily planner is always a good idea, its a way of making lists of tasks which you want to accomplish on that day, you can also add deadlines, upcoming meetings or appointments that you need to attend and be aware of. As you complete each task that you achieve, be sure to tick it off, that way you know that you have completed it.

Set A Reminder

One of the key factors and success to time management is setting a reminder every 15 minutes before a meeting or an event, but if its for an in-person appointment 30 mins so you can gather your things and prepare yourself. Its also good to set reminders on when to start your next task.

Put Time Limits on Tasks

One of the great things to do is put a time limit on each of your tasks, on your daily lists of things to do. You have control of how long each task will take. Don’t worry if you haven’t finished your task within the slotted time limit, you can always come back to it later. When the time is up stop whatever you are doing, sometimes stepping away from one responsibility and going on to other ones, can help you immensely, that way when you go back to the unfinished task it will give you a fresh perspective.

Block Distractions

There is a lot of distractions out there in the world today, from phone calls to social media. It is always good to stop any distraction, that way you can accomplish your daily tasks. It’s always best to turn off your email notifications. Set 30-minute blocks to check your emails every couple of hours, instead of checking them every 10-minutes. Minimise your phone calls, social media and online shopping or anything else that distracts you from your daily tasks.

Take Regular Breaks

It is always good when doing a lot of tasks to take a break, as its hard to stay focused and motivated if you burn yourself out. Step away from what you are doing and allow yourself some downtime to clear your head and revitalise. Go for a short walk, meditate, go have some refreshments or take a brief nap.

Eat Healthy

It is always good to eat healthy so you can stay more productive, It gives you more energy to do the things that need to be done and does not leave you feeling sluggish and bloated. You need to keep your energy levels up, so its a good idea to eat at regular intervals, that way your energy levels are not going to dip, and you can finish your tasks.

Get Inspired

When following a to-do list or doing a specific task, can begin to get boring. It might take you a little longer as your not really motivated, and it gets hard to concentrate on the task at hand. Instead, you need to inspire yourself, so you can be more productive. To stay on course, put time management quotes on your fridge, desk, anywhere you need the inspiration, or go for a walk to clear your head, see what can inspire you while out walking.

Learn To Delegate

You may think that if you multitask, your getting your tasks done much quicker, but in fact you only put half the energy into it, flitting from one thing to another, never actually completing either task. Relinquish control and let other people help out, you may find that things will start to get better than you had ever expected. To accomplish that you need to put your trust into other people and spread out the tasks. That way you will finish three times faster if two people were helping leaving you more time for family and friends,

Establish A Routine

It is always good to establish a routine that makes sense to your needs. You might think why is this so important? the answer to that is everyone needs to follow a routine, otherwise your day becomes chaotic and all over the place, okay you will eventually get your tasks done but it will make your stress levels accelerate. Whilst a routine will create a more stress free lifestyle.

Thank you for stopping by and visiting my blog today, I hope these time management tips help to make your life a little more easier. and more productive. Enjoy the rest of your day and have an awesome week. Until next time.