Moving Day

Good morning, all, I hope you’re all enjoying this weather, and basking in the sun’s delight. I haven’t been able to, as my family and I are moving over the weekend and last week was pretty hectic, as we were only told on Monday about the house, and we got the keys the very next day, so it’s been pretty full on since then. The Internet at the new house is not yet running, so I’m using every tactic I can think of, to get this week’s blog post out to you, even doing it at the library, my favourite place to be, when I’m not with my family, pure bliss. For today’s post, I didn’t want to pass up the chance or opportunity to do a poem on our move.

The time as come,
To say goodbye,
To yet another abode,
But when will we find the one,
That we can call our home.

Moving to another place,
Use to be so exciting,
Somewhere new and inviting,
But with every passing year,
The joy as simply gone… Away!

Where ever we go,
The buzz for me,
Is simply never quite right,
I’m not jumping,
With sheer delight,

But these days,
It’s become a bore,
As it now feels more,
Like a chore,
Now, I want something more.

I want to find,
My forever home,
A place for us to be,
Somewhere we can live,
In perfect harmony.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, enjoy the rest of your day and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

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