The Day I Left It All Behind

Good morning all, I hope you had a good weekend and week so far… Well the sun as been out and about here in the U.K, something we don’t see much off, so it was a refreshing change not having to be bundled up with layers of clothes. Because it is a rarity the sun being out in this country, everyone as been making the most of the weather, some of us will be heading down to the coast to spend time at the beach, while others will be basking in the sun and gathering family and friends together as they stoke up the barbecue for a fun-filled day.

This week I am going back home to my birth place. I grew up surrounded by family and friends and have some great memories of family gatherings, and all was good, until it wasn’t. My life got turned upside down and now all I have is bad memories, sadness and pain, which forced my families decision to move far away, to get away from the constant reminders of so much pain and heartache, which leads me on to this week’s post a poem called The Day I Left It All Behind.

I ran away so fast,
From my past,
Always going forward,
Never looking back,
It was full speed ahead,
I now no longer feel the dread.

The day I left it all behind,
In the hope of forgetting,
I Buried all the memories,
Deep down inside,
Keeping all the heartbreak hidden,
Somewhere that’s forbidden.

They say time heals,
Old wounds,
But I still feel the pain,
Every single minute,
Knowing that one day…
I will have to go back there again.

The day has finally come,
Where I must return,
To a place…
Where I once called home
And where it all began.

by Aria

Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog today, and taking the time to read this weeks post. It’s now time for me to say goodbye to you all. Enjoy the rest of your day, and I will see you back here next week.

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