Tag Archives: Home

How to Organise Your Kitchen Pantry

Good Morning all, I hope you had an exciting week. mine was an eventful one, as I told you in last week’s post I was having a procedure last Thursday the day that my blog post went out, well I had my hysteroscopy, where they removed a polyp from my womb, that has now been taken away to test for cancer, and they also did another biopsy. I was also told at my appointment that I am extremely anaemic as the normal range was between 12 – 200, and I was at an 8, which is pretty low by what they were saying. I was told that if I bled too much, anytime after the procedure I was to go straight to the hospital day or night, as it will make me severely ill. While I was still at the hospital the consultant told me that I would need to have another blood test to make sure it was not going down any lower than it already is. I am still waiting for those results, which will take about 1 to 2 weeks for me to get them back, as for the biopsy and the polyp results it will take up to 4 weeks, so there’s a lot of waiting around, wondering, anticipation, and positive thoughts that everything comes back okay.

On another note my Aunt was supposed to have gone on holiday last Friday. But on Thursday night, she suddenly woke to searing pain and swollen wrist, which led her to go to the hospital where they examined her wrist and sent her for an x-ray, it was after that they discovered she had bursitis on ulna bursa, and the doctor immediately put her on some antibiotics and made her an appointment for Monday morning at Derby hospital as it deals in hand treatment. Monday morning came, and my Aunt went to her scheduled appointment, which was a waste of time, as he looked at the X-ray from the Friday appointment, gave her hand a prod and said if it gets any worse within the coming week, get back in touch, so she went through all that and nothing was done to help her. They say we waste their time with trivial things, but what about them wasting our precious time, as my aunt missed out on her holiday for nothing.

I am so excited about doing this week’s post as I am a big fan of organisation, I love nothing more than organising each of the rooms in my home, as I like to have everything in its own place, my family would go as far as to say I am OCD about it. But I always say if it has its own place wherever that may be in the house, you will always find where it is when you want it. Every other month I will give you tips on decluttering each of the rooms, once I have finished each section of the kitchen followed by organising it. This month is organising the kitchen Pantry, so you can create a tidy, fresh, new space, instead of being messy, I can’t find anything I want in this storage place. I am a big fan of Stacey Solomon’s Tap to Tidy Books and Mrs Hinch’s Books. They’re both mothers who love nothing more than organising and creating beautiful rooms in their homes.

The pantry is a place, where you can store all of your delicious and flavoursome food from snacks to baking products, cereals to tinned food and things that come in packages like pasta. Let’s face it, that’s one area of the kitchen that can become over-cluttered and chaotic. No matter what type of pantry you have, whether it’s a big walk-in pantry, a single cupboard or you have a pantry with with a double door, it can easily become messy, overstocked and unorganised. You have to make sure you keep an eye on the fact that it doesn’t start to become a disaster zone, one thing you don’t want is hoards of food in your pantry only to find that the majority of it is out of date, because it has been shoved right to the back of the cupboard. We all try to keep it organised with the best intentions to stay on top of things. It can be so difficult to keep on top of your pantry, especially with our busy lives and horrendous schedules, There are ways you can stay on top of your pantry and prevent any waste.

Organising The Pantry

To Begin With…

One of the things I like to do before I start organising and putting things in baskets or storage boxes, is its always a good idea to divide your groceries into sections, a bit like a supermarket, there’s no point putting sugar amongst the pasta or tins, it doesn’t really work, as that would fit nicely with hot beverages. Designate an area for all your breakast products, make sure to put your tins in their sections and its always good to stack tins, to make the most of the space.

Maximizing Your Space

If your shelves only go up to a certain degree, why not do a bit of DIY and take your shelves all the way up to the ceiling, it’s the best way to maximise and creating more space. The good thing about having shelves go up to the ceiling is your able to put any small appliances that you don’t regularly use and store them up on the top shelf.

Vtopmart Set of 24 Airtight Food Storage Containers & Kitchen Storage Containers

I find that its good to stock up on all different storage jar sizes fom small to large that fits all your storage needs. They are good to putting pasta and flour in. It is always good idea to put all your dry food in these type of storage jars. One thing I love about these jars is that their different sizes, you can stack them on top of each other with the smaller ones on top of the large ones, making use of every bit of space. Buy it here on Amazon for £32.28

JOIKIT 2 Pack Rectangular Wicker Storage Basket

Wicker baskets sit nicely on the shelves and come in handy to hideaway anything from paper towels to fresh produce like vegetables, fruit, potatoes, and baking supplies etc. These baskets keeps everything neat, and tidy, it also minimises the clutter in your pantry. So that you know what is in each basket make sure to label your baskets, that way you know what is in each of them. Buy it here on Amazon for £21.99

iDesign EcoWood Storage Box

I find that this is a good idea and very useful for putting all your packets in this IDesign EcoWood storage box like soups, angel delights etc. Make sure you throw away all the boxes that would normally take up a lot of unwanted space, this way it keeps all your packets all in one place, make sure to put them in their own sections, that way you will always find what you, when you want it. Buy it here on Amazon for £8.50

STAR SUPPLIES Pack Of 2 Space Saving Light Grey

These crates are good for storing bottles of fizzy pop and any kind of squash. Another thing that is good to store in the crates is big bottles of oil and vinegar, You can store the crate, under a shelf at the bottom of the pantry, that way it is out of sight and it still keeps everything neat and tidy. Buy it here on Amazon for £11.50

TOPWE 6-Tier Adjustable Over the Door Storage, Pantry Door Organizer

You want to make use of every available space, as you don’t want to let anything go to waste, so a good thing to use is an over the door organizer, where you can store condiments, herbs, spices and other small items that you can put in the rack, you will be so surprised to find what items you actually fit in it. Buy it here on Amazon for £39.99

Lazy Susan Organizer 2 Tier – Turntable Spice Rack 

if you don’t have room to to fit an organizer on the back of your door, because you have a sliding door, or you just don’t have the room, here is another option for you which is the lazy susan to put all your spices on, and condiments. Buy it here on Amazon for £29.99

Folding 2-Step Stool

If your like me this will definitely come in very handy for reaching the top shelf, because lets face it if your not over six foot, then they’re is no hope of reaching that top shelf, as I for one find it really impossible to do so. You can always upgrade to a rolling ladder at a later date, but I think this foldaway foot stool will surffice for now. Buy it here on Amazon for £34.99

234 Minimalist Kitchen Food Labels

One thing you must not forget is to label your jars, storage boxes, bins and baskets, it saves you time from rumaging round in them trying to find what you need, it also saves any cooking mistakes if you grab the wrong jar, as you don’t want to add sugar when you actually wanted salt in the first place. It is also a good idea to label your spices too. Buy it here on Amazon for £8.99

Create Your Own Pull-Out Drawers

if there is any space available, and instead of leaving an empty space, you can always create your very own unique and one of a kind design of a pull-out wire drawers, that create’s a little hideawy spot that is perfect for you to hide all of your kids snacks, treats and lunch supplies.

Final Thoughts:

It is good to stack containers on top of one another as it utilises every bit of space.Make sure you have a number of storage baskets and bins etc, then if the chance arises for you to buy in bulk or on special you can, as you have enough storage space for you to put it in, giving you a way of saving both time and money. Hopefully these storage ideas will help you to create your dream pantry that you have always wanted.

Thank you for stopping by my blog today and taking the time to read this weeks post. Enjoy the rest of your day and I will see you back here next week.

15 Tips on How To Declutter Your Kitchen

Good morning to all you lovely people, I hope you have all had a good week so far… Today I need to inform all British Gas users to beware especially if you use a smart meter. I did absolutely love using these meters, because that way you can control how much you put on at one time, Instead of paying quarterly by direct debit, as it works out so much more expensive than when you use a smart meter. But the one thing nobody tells you is what happens if you put some money on the meter, and it doesn’t actually go through properly, and nothing shows up on your smart meter, but the money has still been taken out of your bank account. To say I was angry was an understatement, and what made it worse is it happened over the weekend, and trying to contact the bank to stop the payment from going out was impossible you were sent around in circles with no one doing anything to help. Then when I got in touch with British Gas all you got was an A.I. who was no help whatsoever and couldn’t help me at all. Then when I rang on Monday, I eventually spoke to someone at British Gas, I told him what happened, and that I wanted my money back as my husband ended up putting some on, so I didn’t want anymore on, not at this time, which is why I requested my money back, but he stated, I’m sorry we don’t do that, I will give you a code to put on your meter. Let’s say I told him what I thought and that I wanted to put in a complaint about not getting my money back.

Do you feel so overwhelmed by your cluttered kitchen? Because I know I certainly do. This is a place that is at the heart of the home, it is where everyone gathers for family meals, and talks about their day and where you end up spending most of your time doing things like cooking, baking and entertaining. Do you want to create a kitchen that you feel proud of? If you are ready to make life easy by simplifying and creating a kitchen that you will love. Following this guide will show you how you too, can declutter your kitchen. It is always a good idea to devote a big chunk of your weekend or day (depending on, how big your kitchen is and how much needs to be decluttered). It will leave you with a spring in your step as the kitchen will feel refreshed like a whole new space. For you to get started, all you will need is a couple of boxes that will hold items you no longer use or want, give them to a new home by donating, and a large black trash bag or two for the things you throw away. Make sure you have a separate box for items that go elsewhere.

What Questions To Ask Yourself When Your Decluttering

Here are some questions you need to ask yourself, as your sorting through each item. It is best to act quickly, that way you are not taking hours over one thing. You need to be assertive, and decisive in your decisions, regarding what you keep, donate and bin. If you are unsure or feeling a bit stuck on what to do, these questions will help a great deal…

Do I need this? This is one that you shouldn’t have to think that long or take much time to decide. You either use this, or you don’t. There is NO question asking you ” Will I use this soon?”
Do I have more than one of these? How many wooden spoons does one person really need? Do you really need all five muffin tins? How many cookie cutters do you need? I suggest that you work out if you are going to use them regularly. If you don’t need it ditch it, you can always borrow from family, friends or neighbours for any one-time events. Choose your favourite ones that you want to keep, while any extras can be donated.
Am I going to use this? You want to ask yourself am I going to use this again, or is it just going to take up room at the back of my cupboard, drawers etc.
Would I buy this? Our tastes and styles change all the time, so this is a pretty essential question. Look around and ask yourself if you still love your style. Does it make the grade, of how you envision this space to be? Will it fit in by adding beauty to the space, or just adding to the clutter?
Will this make my life easier? There are probably some items that you don’t really need, but you may use regularly to help you simplify your life like a rice cooker, air fryer, etc. even though you could easily do them on the hob or in the oven, but if really helps to make your life a lot easier and run smoother. You can definitely splurge on some items, but just make sure that they are useful to you, and not sitting in the cupboard collecting dust. Ask yourself how important is it to keep this item and if it will make your life a lot better.


Countertops are one of the things that tend to always look messy, as you always seem to accumulate clutter on the counters, which makes it much harder to do a wipe down and keep clean. To make it more efficient go through any letters lying around, important ones are put in a box file, while non-important ones are thrown away. Small appliances that are not in regular use, but you still use, store them away and get out when you need them. Minimise what you have on the countertop, it will not only look good but it will make your life so much easier to manage, keep clean and tidy.


Sorting out the pantry should be done regularly. Make sure you check to see if anything is open, if you don’t see yourself using it for quite some time, throw it away, which also includes anything that is past its used-by date, and put it all into a trash bag. If you have stocked up on items that you no longer use or want or won’t be used in the timeframe, you can always put them in the donate box, ready for the food bank.

Fridge and Freezer

Go thoroughly threw both the fridge and freezer. Check to see if anything has expired, got freezer burns and any perishables that as been overlooked, now is the time to bin it. While tastes change all the time, you should make sure if there is anything you no longer like or want, then put it in the donate box that is to go to the food bank. Don’t forget to check the expiration dates on bottles, and cans too, as you never know what you might find.

Small Kitchen Appliances

Although small kitchen appliances are handy, they do take up a lot of room, if it’s no longer in use, you don’t want it anymore, or it could be done by another appliance, you can either donate or sell it. Make sure all your appliances work if not put them in the trash bag, there’s no reason to store something if it’s broken as it just clutters your cupboards up.


Gather all your cookbooks, and go through them checking to see if you need them all. If there are only one or two recipes that you want, consider writing those ones out and putting them in a binder or you could even put them them in a recipe folder on a USB stick, rather than keeping the whole book. Ask yourself if there are any cookbooks you no longer want and then put them in the donate box. Are you someone who likes to collect recipe magazines, I suggest that you tear out the pages that you would like to keep and insert them in the binder.


Look out for anything that has acquired rust, scratches, and looks old, as well as anything that has gotten damaged, or broken, then now is the time to bin it. If they are unused or you have doubled up on, like baking and cookie sheets, cake and muffin tins, pie dishes, mixing bowls etc. then find a new home by donating or selling.

Junk Drawer

No matter who you are, everyone always seems to accumulate their own version of a junk drawer where you literally shove everything in, from takeout menus to old batteries, make sure you only keep what is necessary and what you actually want to keep. Throw away all takeout menus as you can easily look them up online. Get rid of any old or extra phone chargers, old batteries and anything else that you don’t need etc.


Sort through your spices, chances are you have never used a lot of them. Throw any away that you don’t use or have lost their flavour too and are out of date. Keep the ones that you are going to use frequently.

Kitchen Gadgets

Having a kitchen gadget can look and sound so inviting, but how many times do you really use them, the answer to that is very seldom. the novelty will wear off and you are left with something you have barely used. Donate all the gadgets you no longer use, as you have something else that does multiple things, so you have no use for it. There’s no reason for you to save it for someday, as that day will never come around, just keep what you need.


Some people tend to store their medication in the kitchen, as it is easier to access if you are one of these people, make sure you store them in a cool dry place. Go through all your medications and any that is unopened, out of date, or no longer in use, return it back to the pharmacy for disposal. Make sure your medications are always up-to-date and always know what each one is for.


Make sure all of your tableware is in good condition and that the glasses, coffee mugs, plates, bowls etc, are not chipped, cracked, or broken, in any way, otherwise you need to bin them. Try not to Stack mugs and glasses on top of each other, as it screams you have too many occupying a single space. You should have enough that will last you and your family throughout the day, any more than that needs to go. Keep your favourites to the side, while any extra or mismatched, you can either have them on show or donate them The same applies to the rest of the tableware like plates and bowls etc, as there’s no point in cluttering up your cupboards with excess clutter.

Under The Sink

Take a look through your cleaning supplies and see if there’s anything you don’t want, and get rid of any ones you no longer have use for. If you have multiple bottles of the same product, combine them together. Sometimes we like to try new products to see if they are better than what we already use, and have acquired so many bottles that are not wanted or needed anymore, now is the time to throw them away, and just keep what you are going to use regularly. If you have any cleaning product that is just about empty, put it to the front so that it is used up first. Never have more than you need, otherwise, it is just clutter.

Cookware and Utensils

If you have too many wooden spoons and cooking utensils, only keep what you really need, Sort through all of your saucepans, trays etc. We do tend to accumulate them when we go out and buy a new one, and instead, of getting rid of the old ones, it just gets pushed to the back of the cupboard. Get rid of any that have gone rusty, discoloured or looking a bit drab, it tells you they are no longer any good. Don’t hang on to multiple items, donate them providing they are in good condition otherwise, bin them.

Food Storage Containers

Go through all your food containers and match them with their lids, any that don’t match up, throw them away. Donate any unwanted containers, that you no longer have the need or use for.

Tea Towels

It is always good to go through your tea towels and discard any that are looking a bit worn, ripped, or discoloured. Make sure that the remaining towels are in good condition, and they are still what you want, need, or are going to use, otherwise, donate the ones you know longer have any use for.

I hope that this post helps you on your way to decluttering your kitchen, and makes it look like somewhere you are happy to spend time in, a place you would be happy to show off, and won’t give you a headache with the amount of clutter that you had before. It will feel like a new kitchen, so refreshing.

Thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to read my post. Enjoy the rest of your week, and I will see you back here next time. Have an awesome week.

Essential Items For The Kitchen

Good morning all, I hope you’re all doing okay. You have to bear with me, as since I received the devastating news of my mum’s untimely passing, I’ve been struggling to find any words to write, my head feels empty, I love writing so this has been hard trying to find the words, I hope that my head and heart recovers soon so that I can go back to the thing I love the most and find my passion for writing. On another note, I want to apologise for not mentioning in last week’s post what is happening with me. On Friday 1, March I had to go and have a scan, which revealed I have a polyp, then I also had to have a biopsy taken, as they’re not sure if it could be cancer, so in 4-6 weeks I am having a hysteroscopy, which is a thin tube that has a camera in it and will go into my womb to see how bad it is and if needs be, another biopsy will be done and whatever the results are from that will determine my course of treatment, fingers crossed that all is well and for now I am going to stay positive and pray that it all works out.

Today’s post is based on what accessories every kitchen should have. For many the kitchen is at the heart of the home, spending the majority of your time in there baking and creating delicious meals for themselves and other people in their life to eat and enjoy. Some just want to do a quick meal by throwing everything together so they can carry on with their life. But having the right tools and equipment in your kitchen for cooking is a necessity and it helps to make your life a lot easier, by just simply adding some small kitchen appliances and gadgets. One of the things I find helpful is getting gadgets and Electricals that have multi-purpose functions that way you are not cluttering your cupboards up with so many different things, where one item can be used in multiple ways. Take a look below at some essential items for the kitchen.

Quest Multi-Function Electric Cooker Pan with Lid

You can cook many different types of meals with this multi-functional electrical cooker. It is an ideal pan to fry, brown, sauté, and simmer many different kinds of foods, and it doesn’t matter if it’s just a meal for one, a family of four or a larger party. It has an Adjustable Thermostatic Control, which offers you a range of cooking temperatures that range from 100°C – 240°C to give you the perfect meal. It comes with a detachable power cable which enables you to safely move the pan freely without causing any unwanted accidents regardless of whatever the temperature maybe., Strong Glass Lid is included, to keep the food safely inside the pan, and it also allows you to view the contents safely without removing the lid. Non-Stick Surface The pan is of a decent size (30x30cm) which gives you plenty of cooking space, not only that it allow you to easily remove the food you have cooked from the pan, but instead of spending hours scrubbing the pan, it is much easier to clean. This is worthwhile to have in any kitchen.

Buy it here on Amazon for £23.99

Nuovva Professional Kitchen Knife Set with Block 

This revolutionary kitchen knife set with a hard stainless steel blade & stylish copper-plated bolsters with sloping clear acrylic block these knives are high carbon stainless steel which serves multiple purposes. In addition to looking great and adding style to your kitchen. This knife set was designed to resist wear and tear for long-lasting use. These knives are super sharp and very easy to sharpen and as well as clean for amazing performance, also this awesome knife set is constructed of non-stick stainless steel blades that ensure long-lasting durability and cleanliness. these knives are super easy to clean. You can use these knives for just about anything from cutting meat bread and fish to chopping fruits, vegetables, herbs and even cheese! The set includes paring, all-purpose, carving, bread, & chef cook knife.

Buy it here on Amazon for £44.99

Cooks Professional Electric Can Opener

Cooks Professional electric tin opener does all the hard work for you with its one-touch operation. Just place it on the can, press the button, and watch the automatic can opener effortlessly spin around, leaving you with a perfectly opened can every time. It doesn’t matter if you are right or left-handed, these versatile can openers cater to all. It is also good for those who suffer from joint or muscle issues, as it takes the strain off your hands and makes opening a can easier than ever. To make it even easier the electric can opener is powered by AA batteries (not included) which means there’s no cord to get in the way.

Buy it here on Amazon for £23.99

FIMEI 11 in 1 Food Processor Multifunctional

This Muliti-functional Food Processor has not one but 11 attachments, which gives you the choice of how you use it either as a blender, chopper, citrus juicer, dough mixer, coffee grinder, vegetable slicer, mixer, grater (fine/coarse) kneading, and french fry-cutter. It meets all your demands of cooking preparation, It is versatile and efficient, and it will save you time and effort. It has a 3-speed control and pulse function for precision, a 3.2L capacity with a large feed chute to accommodate both large and small ingredients. The 1.5L blender jar is very very convenient for making all kinds of juice, shakes and smoothies for a big family.

Buy it here on Amazon for £ 95.99

MASTERTOP Index Chopping Board Set,

This cutting board set consists of a 4-piece thick cutting boards. Each mat has a color-coded food icon and indexable labels that indicate which type of food should be used like raw meat, raw fish, vegetables or cooked food. The cutting board can be stored away in a matching storage box to save space. They have non-slip legs at the bottom of the bracket which are perforated and drained so that the cutting boards can be drained and kept dry and clean. These cutting boards are really easy to clean and it is even safe to put in the dishwasher, making life a lot easier for you.

Buy it here on Amazon for £27.89

Fineget Rotating Spice Rack Organizer

This Fineget super large rotating spice rack organizer can be used in any room of your house, the kitchen, dining room, bathroom and living room either using it as a spice rack, cosmetic, or snack rack. The organizer adopts the silent bearings rotation and anti-tumbling mechanism., it also makes turning the rack easier and quicker to see what you have got on there, instead of always struggling to see what is in your cupboard. What makes this a good product for you is its a space saver, that keeps everything tidy and less cluttered.

Buy it here on Amazon for £23.47

Tassimo by Bosch Coffee Machine,

This coffee maker is easy to use with just a push of a button. Pop your chosen pod drink into the coffee machine, press start and the Tassimo Suny reads the pod’s unique barcode thanks to its Intellibrew technology for the ideal drink every time; No heat up required. You can indulge in one of your favourite pods such as Costa Latte, Cappuccino, or a tasty Cadbury’s hot chocolate. There are so many drinks you can now choose from with over 50 drinks, from well-known brands, for you to enjoy at home with family and friends. It auto cleans in between each drink to ensure no mixing of flavours between each cup and it has an auto shut off when not in use.

Buy it here on Amazon for £39.99

Denny International Tassimo Compatible 64 Capsules Coffee Pod

The Denny International capsule coffee pod holder is compatible with Tassimo. It has a huge storage compartment that stores 64 pods in this slick modern drawer. It is easy to organize your pods, by putting it your favourite flavours and types of coffee e.g. There are 32 sections x 2 pods each, and to create more space place your coffee machine on top of the pod holder, which will then give you the extra space you need with less clutter, and it is certain to be secured thanks to the anti-vibration construction as it is stood on foam non-slip feet. Pods are not included they are sold separately

Buy it here on Amazon for £17.97

Nuvantee Pasta Maker Machine

Why dine at an expensive Italian restaurant or buy shop-bought pasta when you can make your own at home with this amazing pasta cutter? This pasta maker is simple to use and gives you delicious meals to enjoy with your family every time, and dining out will become a thing of the past. This will look good in any kitchen and the sturdy design will give you years and years of great-tasting pasta. Enjoy its nine different pasta thickness levels, with the smooth adjustable rollers to make it easy to get larger, thicker, thinner, or smaller pasta. Are you in the mood for spaghetti? Or maybe you want fettuccine tonight? Preparing either is simple thanks to the cutter rollers that attach with just a snap.

Buy it here on Amazon for £39.99

NEWBI 16 in 1 Vegetable Chopper 

This 16-piece multi-functional vegetable slicer offers five interchangeable slicing methods, allowing you to choose the most suitable cooking style. It has a separator, in a large container that easily separates egg whites and yolks making it easier for you. The vegetable cutter has rust-proof stainless steel blades, so you don’t need to worry about rust and wear on the blades, leaving them to last longer. Be careful as the blades are very sharp and dry when cutting and grating food. To clean it you will be equipped with cleaning teeth and a cleaning brush, making it easier to clean the blades. While you cut, and slice away, the food will be then collected in the storage box that is a draining basket. It has a rubber soft grip to ensure you will not be cut by a sharp blade when cutting vegetables. There is a non-slip base that ensures stability when in use.

Buy it here on Amazon for £19.99

BRITA Flow XXL Water Filter Tank 

This Brita water filter tank is Ideal for having it in your home and is perfect for putting it on your fridge shelf or on a countertop with a convenient tap and sliding lid for easy refilling and cleaning, (dishwasher safe except the indicator). It does 150 litres of fresh filtered water in 4 weeks from just one cartridge, it has a digital lifetime indicator that reminds you when you need to change the filter. This is not only good for you, but it’s also good for the environment too. It is easy to use, fill the tank up with water, let the filter do its work, turn the tap and out comes your purified water.

Buy it here on Amazon for £35.99

Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s blog, Enjoy the rest of your day and have an amazing week. Until next time.

Moving Day

Good morning, all, I hope you’re all enjoying this weather, and basking in the sun’s delight. I haven’t been able to, as my family and I are moving over the weekend and last week was pretty hectic, as we were only told on Monday about the house, and we got the keys the very next day, so it’s been pretty full on since then. The Internet at the new house is not yet running, so I’m using every tactic I can think of, to get this week’s blog post out to you, even doing it at the library, my favourite place to be, when I’m not with my family, pure bliss. For today’s post, I didn’t want to pass up the chance or opportunity to do a poem on our move.

The time as come,
To say goodbye,
To yet another abode,
But when will we find the one,
That we can call our home.

Moving to another place,
Use to be so exciting,
Somewhere new and inviting,
But with every passing year,
The joy as simply gone… Away!

Where ever we go,
The buzz for me,
Is simply never quite right,
I’m not jumping,
With sheer delight,

But these days,
It’s become a bore,
As it now feels more,
Like a chore,
Now, I want something more.

I want to find,
My forever home,
A place for us to be,
Somewhere we can live,
In perfect harmony.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, enjoy the rest of your day and I will see you soon. Bye for now.