Tag Archives: lifestyle

15 Tips on How To Declutter Your Kitchen

Good morning to all you lovely people, I hope you have all had a good week so far… Today I need to inform all British Gas users to beware especially if you use a smart meter. I did absolutely love using these meters, because that way you can control how much you put on at one time, Instead of paying quarterly by direct debit, as it works out so much more expensive than when you use a smart meter. But the one thing nobody tells you is what happens if you put some money on the meter, and it doesn’t actually go through properly, and nothing shows up on your smart meter, but the money has still been taken out of your bank account. To say I was angry was an understatement, and what made it worse is it happened over the weekend, and trying to contact the bank to stop the payment from going out was impossible you were sent around in circles with no one doing anything to help. Then when I got in touch with British Gas all you got was an A.I. who was no help whatsoever and couldn’t help me at all. Then when I rang on Monday, I eventually spoke to someone at British Gas, I told him what happened, and that I wanted my money back as my husband ended up putting some on, so I didn’t want anymore on, not at this time, which is why I requested my money back, but he stated, I’m sorry we don’t do that, I will give you a code to put on your meter. Let’s say I told him what I thought and that I wanted to put in a complaint about not getting my money back.

Do you feel so overwhelmed by your cluttered kitchen? Because I know I certainly do. This is a place that is at the heart of the home, it is where everyone gathers for family meals, and talks about their day and where you end up spending most of your time doing things like cooking, baking and entertaining. Do you want to create a kitchen that you feel proud of? If you are ready to make life easy by simplifying and creating a kitchen that you will love. Following this guide will show you how you too, can declutter your kitchen. It is always a good idea to devote a big chunk of your weekend or day (depending on, how big your kitchen is and how much needs to be decluttered). It will leave you with a spring in your step as the kitchen will feel refreshed like a whole new space. For you to get started, all you will need is a couple of boxes that will hold items you no longer use or want, give them to a new home by donating, and a large black trash bag or two for the things you throw away. Make sure you have a separate box for items that go elsewhere.

What Questions To Ask Yourself When Your Decluttering

Here are some questions you need to ask yourself, as your sorting through each item. It is best to act quickly, that way you are not taking hours over one thing. You need to be assertive, and decisive in your decisions, regarding what you keep, donate and bin. If you are unsure or feeling a bit stuck on what to do, these questions will help a great deal…

Do I need this? This is one that you shouldn’t have to think that long or take much time to decide. You either use this, or you don’t. There is NO question asking you ” Will I use this soon?”
Do I have more than one of these? How many wooden spoons does one person really need? Do you really need all five muffin tins? How many cookie cutters do you need? I suggest that you work out if you are going to use them regularly. If you don’t need it ditch it, you can always borrow from family, friends or neighbours for any one-time events. Choose your favourite ones that you want to keep, while any extras can be donated.
Am I going to use this? You want to ask yourself am I going to use this again, or is it just going to take up room at the back of my cupboard, drawers etc.
Would I buy this? Our tastes and styles change all the time, so this is a pretty essential question. Look around and ask yourself if you still love your style. Does it make the grade, of how you envision this space to be? Will it fit in by adding beauty to the space, or just adding to the clutter?
Will this make my life easier? There are probably some items that you don’t really need, but you may use regularly to help you simplify your life like a rice cooker, air fryer, etc. even though you could easily do them on the hob or in the oven, but if really helps to make your life a lot easier and run smoother. You can definitely splurge on some items, but just make sure that they are useful to you, and not sitting in the cupboard collecting dust. Ask yourself how important is it to keep this item and if it will make your life a lot better.


Countertops are one of the things that tend to always look messy, as you always seem to accumulate clutter on the counters, which makes it much harder to do a wipe down and keep clean. To make it more efficient go through any letters lying around, important ones are put in a box file, while non-important ones are thrown away. Small appliances that are not in regular use, but you still use, store them away and get out when you need them. Minimise what you have on the countertop, it will not only look good but it will make your life so much easier to manage, keep clean and tidy.


Sorting out the pantry should be done regularly. Make sure you check to see if anything is open, if you don’t see yourself using it for quite some time, throw it away, which also includes anything that is past its used-by date, and put it all into a trash bag. If you have stocked up on items that you no longer use or want or won’t be used in the timeframe, you can always put them in the donate box, ready for the food bank.

Fridge and Freezer

Go thoroughly threw both the fridge and freezer. Check to see if anything has expired, got freezer burns and any perishables that as been overlooked, now is the time to bin it. While tastes change all the time, you should make sure if there is anything you no longer like or want, then put it in the donate box that is to go to the food bank. Don’t forget to check the expiration dates on bottles, and cans too, as you never know what you might find.

Small Kitchen Appliances

Although small kitchen appliances are handy, they do take up a lot of room, if it’s no longer in use, you don’t want it anymore, or it could be done by another appliance, you can either donate or sell it. Make sure all your appliances work if not put them in the trash bag, there’s no reason to store something if it’s broken as it just clutters your cupboards up.


Gather all your cookbooks, and go through them checking to see if you need them all. If there are only one or two recipes that you want, consider writing those ones out and putting them in a binder or you could even put them them in a recipe folder on a USB stick, rather than keeping the whole book. Ask yourself if there are any cookbooks you no longer want and then put them in the donate box. Are you someone who likes to collect recipe magazines, I suggest that you tear out the pages that you would like to keep and insert them in the binder.


Look out for anything that has acquired rust, scratches, and looks old, as well as anything that has gotten damaged, or broken, then now is the time to bin it. If they are unused or you have doubled up on, like baking and cookie sheets, cake and muffin tins, pie dishes, mixing bowls etc. then find a new home by donating or selling.

Junk Drawer

No matter who you are, everyone always seems to accumulate their own version of a junk drawer where you literally shove everything in, from takeout menus to old batteries, make sure you only keep what is necessary and what you actually want to keep. Throw away all takeout menus as you can easily look them up online. Get rid of any old or extra phone chargers, old batteries and anything else that you don’t need etc.


Sort through your spices, chances are you have never used a lot of them. Throw any away that you don’t use or have lost their flavour too and are out of date. Keep the ones that you are going to use frequently.

Kitchen Gadgets

Having a kitchen gadget can look and sound so inviting, but how many times do you really use them, the answer to that is very seldom. the novelty will wear off and you are left with something you have barely used. Donate all the gadgets you no longer use, as you have something else that does multiple things, so you have no use for it. There’s no reason for you to save it for someday, as that day will never come around, just keep what you need.


Some people tend to store their medication in the kitchen, as it is easier to access if you are one of these people, make sure you store them in a cool dry place. Go through all your medications and any that is unopened, out of date, or no longer in use, return it back to the pharmacy for disposal. Make sure your medications are always up-to-date and always know what each one is for.


Make sure all of your tableware is in good condition and that the glasses, coffee mugs, plates, bowls etc, are not chipped, cracked, or broken, in any way, otherwise you need to bin them. Try not to Stack mugs and glasses on top of each other, as it screams you have too many occupying a single space. You should have enough that will last you and your family throughout the day, any more than that needs to go. Keep your favourites to the side, while any extra or mismatched, you can either have them on show or donate them The same applies to the rest of the tableware like plates and bowls etc, as there’s no point in cluttering up your cupboards with excess clutter.

Under The Sink

Take a look through your cleaning supplies and see if there’s anything you don’t want, and get rid of any ones you no longer have use for. If you have multiple bottles of the same product, combine them together. Sometimes we like to try new products to see if they are better than what we already use, and have acquired so many bottles that are not wanted or needed anymore, now is the time to throw them away, and just keep what you are going to use regularly. If you have any cleaning product that is just about empty, put it to the front so that it is used up first. Never have more than you need, otherwise, it is just clutter.

Cookware and Utensils

If you have too many wooden spoons and cooking utensils, only keep what you really need, Sort through all of your saucepans, trays etc. We do tend to accumulate them when we go out and buy a new one, and instead, of getting rid of the old ones, it just gets pushed to the back of the cupboard. Get rid of any that have gone rusty, discoloured or looking a bit drab, it tells you they are no longer any good. Don’t hang on to multiple items, donate them providing they are in good condition otherwise, bin them.

Food Storage Containers

Go through all your food containers and match them with their lids, any that don’t match up, throw them away. Donate any unwanted containers, that you no longer have the need or use for.

Tea Towels

It is always good to go through your tea towels and discard any that are looking a bit worn, ripped, or discoloured. Make sure that the remaining towels are in good condition, and they are still what you want, need, or are going to use, otherwise, donate the ones you know longer have any use for.

I hope that this post helps you on your way to decluttering your kitchen, and makes it look like somewhere you are happy to spend time in, a place you would be happy to show off, and won’t give you a headache with the amount of clutter that you had before. It will feel like a new kitchen, so refreshing.

Thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to read my post. Enjoy the rest of your week, and I will see you back here next time. Have an awesome week.

Inside Marvel Studios

Good day, to all of you lovely people. Hopefully, everyone is fighting fit despite this freezing weather we are currently having. I don’t know about you, but where I live, we have had some snow on the ground, which has made it all the more colder. It looks good on photographs and postcards but that’s where I would prefer to see it, well apart from Christmas morning, which makes it all the more magical

This month is the busiest for so many reasons, but the main one is that Christmas will soon be upon us. We have already started the countdown to Christmas Eve, giving us only 17 more shopping days left, to frantically get those presents for all our loved ones, and then spend most of the day neatly wrapping them up, before handing them out to family and friends. Christmas time is so much more than just presents it’s a time for forgiveness and appreciation for what you have. It has been a very hard year for a lot of people, especially with the economic crisis going on, which has resulted in many people being without a home this Christmas as landlords have evicted them for no apparent reason, leaving many without a home and on the streets. There are more people than ever, that have been made homeless, than ever before in the U.K. and that’s just this year alone. I am astonished at the amount that’s been recorded as homeless, as of now there are 271,000 that have found themselves homeless, which includes 123,000 children. Nobody should be left out in the cold and on the streets any time of the year, but it’s this time of year that hits them the most, with both the freezing temperatures that bestow us, and then with Christmas fast approaching. I am not a religious person by any means, but I pray, wish and hope that they too, can find a place that they can call home and be safe.

I am so pleased and excited to do this week’s post as I am a big Marvel fan, so to say I was excited is an understatement, but when I found out Marvel Studios was first founded thirty years ago today on December 7, 1993, I just knew that I had to do a post on it. Anyway, lets get on with this weeks blog.

The Lobby – From the second you step off the Marvel Studios Headquarters elevator you are hit by a giant Marvel Logo that stands out. There next to the reception desk, you will see that it is decked out with some of Marvel’s most up-to-date costumes from their more recent film which are showcased on display. Behind the sofa and a coffee table, you will find the “Hall of Armour” which showcases three of Tony Stark’s earlier Iron Man suits, it is there to remind you when the MCU first began.

Art by Ryan Meinerding

Visual Development – On entering the glass doors you follow a race track design, there you will find some amazing murals by Ryan Meinerding who is Head of Visual Development and you can see why he is head of the visual department. The murals take up a lot of space, giving you a constant reminder of those past battles every where you look. Along the way you will get to see some concept art. There’s even ones that are off-limits-to-the-public of future films.

The Offices – There are many offices that’s filled up with collectibles, which are based on the Marvel Franchise’s superheroes, this includes actual costumes and props from every the films.

The Development Lounge – This is where the Marvel team develop their film slate, that connects the cinematic universe together. It is also a place where they play ping pong and pin ball. The lounge showcases a model of the Helicarrier from Avengers, Thor’s hammer, Mjölnir, that is propped up against the TV and walls lined with signed Marvel posters.

The Library – This is the type most pop culture and comic enthusiasts fans of Marvel would be enthralled by, and of course love to have. It’s a more condensed comic book library, that features an entire length of a hallway, and in between the comic books, it is filled up with a variety of props from different movies, like the little alien Star-Lord using a microphone in the Guardians of the Galaxy, a model of Orloni, and of course the real Captain America’s Shield, Tony Stark’s early Iron Man helmet along with many more valuable props.

The Common Spaces – The Marvel Studio occupies some common spaces that’s packed with excitement, it is where the hard work happens and movies begin to come alive, that’s sealed by NDA, as behind them exists a world where the magic happens with the production and development of the movies both announced and unannounced continues on at a steady pace without any disturbance.

The Screening Room – This is a very intimate Theatre. It is where you get to watch raw footage of the films (blue screens, bad sound, with plenty of cursing) but it’s still looks amazing. You get to see the movie develop from start all the way to the finished product. You get to see all the time and hard work that was put into making it pay off. It is such a beautiful thing to see.

The Courtyard – Finally the open-air courtyard that sits in the centre of the building, it’s where you are able to get refreshments and sushi is served.

  • Since 2008, Marvel Studios has released 33 films within the MCU, from Iron Man (2008) to The Marvels (2023), nine television series since 2021, from WandaVision (2021) to Secret Invasion (2023), and two television specials, Werewolf by Night (2022) and The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special (2022).
  • Spider-Man’s black suit didn’t come from Stan Lee but came from a fan, Randy Schueller. Marvel offered Randy a chance to write the story himself and $220. His story didn’t work and ended with Marvel making their own version.
  • Tom Holland has credited Marty McFly from Back to the Future as his main inspiration for Peter Parker’s character.
  • Stan Lee created Thor to introduce a being more powerful than The Incredible Hulk. He stated that the only thing more powerful than a man would be a god.
  • Martin Goodman published the first Marvel comic in 1939.
  • Wakanda is an official language, it is a variant of Xhosa, which is primarily spoken in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Coincidentally, these locations are also close to where Wakanda is situated in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
  • The Mjolnir is the hammer that Thor is often seen using as a weapon. It is so powerful that its wielder can create force fields so great, it can destroy entire galaxies. It can also travel through planets to return to its wielder’s hand and can also move and manipulate large structures such as the Washington Monument and the Taj Mahal. It is also able to molecularly manipulate objects and control magnetic forces.
  • The author of Godfather once attempted to write for Marvel. Mario Puzo stated that writing comics was too difficult and instead asked Stan Lee if he could try to write scripts for comics instead. However, despite Stan Lee agreeing to this, Mario Puzo still was not able to do so.
  • Deadpool, one of Marvel’s most popular characters, was supposed to be a spoof of Deathstroke. The name Wade Wilson was a hilarious reference to his origins and how the character was inspired by DC Comics’s Deathstroke.
  • Marvel has released 32,000 comics as of 2009.
  • Venom was created by a fan in 1982 in a contest held by Marvel Comics. Randy Schueller submitted a concept art for a storyline that involved Spider-Man upgrading his suit to all black for stealth purposes.
  • Colossus gained the powers of Juggernaut during the Fear Itself story
  • Jeremy Renner trained with Olympic archers to prepare for the role of Hawkeye. He only had a few months to prepare for his role. As a result, he had to hire professionals. He trained heavily with Olympic archers to understand and master the bow and arrow.
  • In 2002, Marvel caught news of a boy around four years of age who suffered from hearing loss not wanting to wear his hearing aids simply due to the reason that no superheroes did. As an attempt to help the child, Marvel created the superhero The Blue Ear who uses a hearing aid to detect trouble.
  • In 1994, Marvel bought the rights for The Men in Black (originally owned by Malibu Comics). This simply means that all films, shows, and video games have been produced by Marvel.
  • The public knew about Tom Holland’s casting as Spider-Man before he did. Holland stated in an interview with Ellen DeGeneres that during his last audition, he was told that they would reveal the final cast the next day. However, six weeks passed and he had not been contacted yet until he discovered he was chosen for the role of Spider-Man through Instagram.
  • At one point in time, all five of the original members of the Avengers resigned
  • Deadpool can speak several languages apart from English. He can be seen speaking fluent German, Spanish, Japanese, and even American Sign Language (ASL). Coincidentally, the actor who also portrays Deadpool in the film, Ryan Reynolds, is also multilingual.
  • Black Widow and Captain America are of the same age. In the comics, she is confirmed to be over 70 years of age.
  • Thor’s line ‘He’s a friend from work’ wasn’t scripted in Thor: Ragnarok. The line originated from a Make-A-Wish Foundation child who had suggested it to Chris Hemsworth during a break between filming. Since the director, Taika Waititi encouraged its actors to improvise lines during filming, Hemsworth gave it a try and became one of the best Marvel lines in history.
  • In the Marvel Universe, Wakanda is the most advanced civilization on Earth.
  • Vin Diesel also recorded himself saying the lines in several other languages multiple times. He also voiced Baby Groot’s voice all by himself and without any additional effects on his voice. While the actor may be known for his deep baritone voice, he has been imitating and doing cartoon impressions since he was a child.
  • Human Torch made the first appearance of any Marvel hero in the comics.
  • Initially, Marvel producers saw Downey Jr’s alcoholic habits as a red flag and believed that he would not be suitable for the role of Tony Stark. It was Jon Favreau’s insisting that helped Robert Downey Jr. get the role.
  • Originally, the Hulk had grey skin. When the Hulk was first introduced in the comics, he was green-skinned due to a printing error with the four-colour printing process. Each time an issue of The Incredible Hulk was printed, it would be in different shades of grey each time.
  • The Thing from the Fantastic Four is married to Alicia Masters.
  • The Wasp was nearly cast to be in the movie Avengers Assemble. It was in the earlier drafts of the film with Henry Pym’s Wife, Janet was originally set to appear as the Wasp. However, Black Widow was instead chosen to fill the role of the last Avenger as she was already previously introduced in Iron Man 2.
  • Black Panther was the first African-American member of the Avengers.
  • During the 90s, Marvel had to sell the rights to the X-Men characters and the Fantastic Four to avoid bankruptcy.
  • Nightcrawler is Catholic.
  • In 1994, importing human figures and toys into the United States became more expensive than non-human figures so to get around this X-Men were labelled as mutants rather than humans to avoid legal issues.
  • Daredevil’s sense of taste is so acute, that he can even tell how many grains of salt are on a pretzel.
  • Peggy Carter had an unscripted scene in The First Avenger that made it to the final cut. It is during the scene where Captain America steps out of the chamber that turns him superhuman, that Peggy Carter examines a shirtless Steve Rogers with her hands. Because of how spontaneous this scene flowed together it was kept in for authenticity.
  • Charles Xavier has gained and lost his ability to walk several times.
  • Earth 3409 of the Marvel multiverse shows that Tony Stark was born female. Natasha Stark becomes the Iron Woman when she grows up. Ultimately, the comics show her being married to Steve Rogers which prevents not only the Superhero Registration Program but also the Civil War.
  • Marvel created a comic book series in the 1970s called ‘What if?’ which focuses on events in the Marvel Universe that might have unfolded if a few key moments in history turned out differently.
  • Tom Holland was not given complete access to the Infinity War script as he is known for accidentally spoiling plots during interviews and on his social media accounts.
  • Kevin Feige created the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He was originally hired to be an assistant on the X-Men film However, he was given an associate producer credit when another producer discovered that he was a human Marvel encyclopaedia.
  • The dance that Baby Groot executes to the Electric Light Orchestra’s hit Mr. Blue Sky took two years to plan and create. This large project that took two years for the Guardians of the Galaxy 2 team to make with James Gunn paid off in the end as it was one of the most well-received scenes in the movie.
  • In the Marvel Comics universe, Tony Stark owns Area 51.
  • The King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley’s trademark haircut was based on the Marvel superhero, Captain Marvel Jr.
  • Marshall Mathers, also known as Eminem, once teamed up with the Punisher in XXL Eminem/Punisher Comic (2009) #1 which was created by Fred Van Lente and Salvador Larroca.
  • Captain America was not a founding member of the Avengers.
  • A little amphibian named Throg wields the Frog Mjolnir. He also resembles the amphibian Thor himself once turned into. Even though Thor and Throg have many similarities, they are said to be completely different beings.
  • There is a Japanese version of Spider-Man that gained his powers from aliens.
  • Dr. Doom briefly played the role of Iron Man. After Tony Stark incapacitated himself in an obligatory super-powered fight with Captain Marvel in Civil War II, Dr. Doom took on the role of Iron Man. Dr. Doom became known as the Infamous Iron Man.
  • The Men in Black is owned by Marvel, who bought the rights in 1994 from Malibu Comics. This means that all films, shows, and video games have been produced by Marvel.
  • The Marvel Universe has a maintenance unit. This special unit is suitably called Damage Control. In the Marvel Comics universe, this group is a construction company that specializes in repairing property damage caused by conflicts made by heroes and villains. This group first appeared in Marvel Age Annual issue number four.
  • Charlie Cox did not know Daredevil was blind until the day before his audition. This was mainly due to him being unfamiliar with the source material before he signed up to audition for the role.
  • Deathstroke inspired the making of Deadpool. One of Marvel’s most popular characters, Deadpool was supposed to be a spoof of Slade Wilson’s villainous identity, Deathstroke. Deadpool’s secret identity, Wade Wilson was an inside joke with Marvel staff to the two characters being related. – As time went by, Deadpool’s character was re-imagined as a psychotic anti-hero.
  • The first Marvel comic book ever published was The Human Torch.
  • Before the films for the Marvel cinematic universe were made, Nick Fury’s earliest concept art already had an uncanny resemblance to Samuel L. Jackson. When Samuel himself saw this resemblance, he immediately contacted his lawyers and Marvel Studios to secure his roles for the upcoming Marvel Cinematic films.
  • In the Marvel Universe, the strongest mutant to ever be registered is Kris Kringle himself. This was stated by Cerebro in a distant future on Christmas Eve.
  • The Phoenix is a force of nature rather than a living entity. The Phoenix Force is one of the most impactful ones in the Marvel Universe. However, it is most notable for its appearance and central role in The Dark Phoenix Saga storyline. The Dark Phoenix has also ranked as the 38th most powerful villain on Wizard: Magazine of Comics.
Movies To Buy
Upcoming Marvel Movies and TV Series
  • What If…?” Season 2 (Animated TV Series)
  • Echo (Hawkeye Spin-off Series)
  • X-Men ’97 (Animated TV Series)
  • Deadpool & Wolverine
  • Agatha Coven of Chaos (WandaVision Spin-off Series)
  • Ironheart
  • Daredevil: Born Again
  • Captain America: Brave New World
  • Fantastic Four
  • Thunderbolts
  • Blade
  • Avengers: The Kang Dynasty
  • Avengers: Secret Wars
  • Armor Wars
  • Spider-Man: Freshman Year (Animated TV Series)
  • Marvel Zombies (Animated TV Series)
  • Vision Quest (TV Show)

Thank you for taking the time to come and read this week’s blog post! Wrap up, keep warm ‘I know I will be’ and please be extra careful when you do venture out. Enjoy the rest of your day and have an amazing week. See you all back here next week at Arias Writing Journal.