Tag Archives: Special Family Poem

To Someone Special…

Hello, to all you lovely readers out there. I hope that you all had a memorable and enjoyable Christmas and New Year. However, you may have spent it, I’m sure you have all made it your own special version of it whether it’s with family and friends or a much quieter one. My household was a poorly one during the holiday season, and we’re still not a hundred percent even now.

The start of the New Year hasn’t been a great start for my family either. On Saturday it is a special little boy’s second birthday, which should be a celebratory day of having fun, but this one is going to be remembered for all the wrong reasons, as my gorgeous grandson will be spending his birthday in the hospital. Tuesday evening, he slipped on some water and broke his femur, which is the thigh bone, and now he is in traction. He had only come out of a leg cast just before Christmas. You see he was diagnosed with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI for short); some may know it merely as Brittle Bone Disease, which means his bones are not as strong as ours, and his bones are far weaker than the average person’s. He will be in the hospital for quite some time, he will spend the next week in traction before the doctors decide on whether to operate on him or not, but whichever way it goes they will have to put him in a half-body cast.

It is every parent’s worst nightmare as you feel powerless to do anything to ease their suffering, you’re just left wishing that you could take the pain away while trying to hold everything all together for him, but secretly you are crying inside. Through it all he has been a trooper, putting on an adorable brave face, he is one cute, but tough little cookie, he does not let anything get him down and is still left with a smile on his beautiful face. He’s my hero, my little rock star. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers, wishing him a speedy recovery.

I also want to send out some positive vibes and well wishes for actor Jeremy Renner, who had a bad accident during the holidays which could have ended tragically, it was touch and go there for him for a while, but he still has a long way to go before he is back to his best. I have some amazing upcoming posts that I will be doing this year. Anyway, on with this week’s post,

Birthday Boy

Today is a birthday
Just for you,
One you will remember
As you turn two,
Birthday boy
I love you so
How much?
You will never know,
But one day
You’ll Come to Know
How much love I have for you.

You have an…
Infectious laugh,
And a smile that…
Just melts our hearts,
But nothing…
Can keep us apart,
We will travel,
Far and wide,
To be right by your side.

Two eyes that see all,
And two hands as curious,
As can be,
Touching everything,
You can see,
Two feet that just love to walk,
And a voice that loves to talk
Your day will be like no other,
But you will still get to spend it,
With your father and your mother,
Happy Birthday sweet child of mine.

by Aria

The New year is a time of new beginnings, new challenges, making resolutions, and starting something new, whether it’s setting goals, a new career, relationships, or something else. Hopefully, this year will be so much better than the last one.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post, enjoy the rest of your day, and have an awesome week! Until next time.

Yesterdays Child

Hi everyone, this week has seen the weather at an all-time high as it recorded an accelerated heat in some places of 40.3 C/104 F, the UK, is not adapted for this kind of hot weather, that those abroad get, we have to think of ways to keep cool, as much as possible, as the properties we live in, are not equipped with things like air-conditioning, instead the UK is like a hot furnace, or some would describe it as hot as the fiery pits of hell.

In this week’s post, I have done a special poem called Yesterdays Child, for my beautiful baby girl, as it was her birthday yesterday. Every year she has celebrated it not just a day, but for a week, and we would always refer to it as her birthday week.

A child is a special gift to be given to you in life. They become your whole world, your best friend, and eventually you go on to form an unbreakable bond that is so strong. This week is a celebratory week of my special gift, I am so proud of everything she as done, and everything she will go on to do. Have fun and enjoy your birthday week…

You’re my little star,
My ray of light,
With a smile,
On your face,
Makes the day bright.

Yesterday you were a child,
When everything,
Was so simple and mild,
Now you have grown,
And out on your own.

You flew the nest,
So, what comes next,
Well… You met a guy,
The love of your life,
And now you’re his wife.

Now you’re a mother,
With a child of your own,
But don’t ever forget,
That wherever I am,
They’re always a home.

by Aria

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, Have a good week and stay hydrated. and I will see you next week.