Tag Archives: Christmastime

On The Outside Looking In

Good morning World, I hope you all doing okay. I don’t know whether it’s just me, or everyone else has the same problem. I always find that when I go shopping what I need is always seems to be on the top shelf, which I can just reach, my daughter sits there laughing at me as I struggle to reach the top shelf, but more times than not I always find that I have to reach the back of the shelve, as whatever I need seem to accumulate back there. On Tuesday I was doing my usual trying to reach the back of the shelf when the bottle I was after fell over and knocked other ones that were nearby, which sent them one by one flying off the shelf and hitting me in the face nearly knocking me out in the process, missing my daughter’s wheelchair that was near (which I was glad of). Once I stopped being hit in the face, I noticed that several people just stood there, watching it happen, and not one came up to check and see if I was okay. 

This past week has not been a very good, or easy time as I received a message that left me in a state of shock, which was that my mum had been rushed to hospital after having a stroke. You think your mum is invincible and will always be around, but it takes something serious like a stroke, to really appreciate the time we do have with the people we love. It was caused by having high blood pressure (which she doesn’t usually suffer from), so to say it came as a shock, was an understatement. But I am pleased to say she is now recovering, her speech is a problem and trying to text is still problematic for her, where you can’t understand what she’s written, but we are fortunate, it could have been so much worse. I want to wish my mum a speedy recovery and send her some positive vibes. Anyway on with this week’s blog post ‘On The Outside Looking In’

Looking through the window,
A family I do see,
Laughing and playing,
As happy as can be.
Sitting in front of a fire
Watching it flicker away,
Wishing it was me,
Sat beside the fire
Having a cup of tea.

On the outside looking in,
There I do see,
A child on her knees,
Sneakily there peeking,
At the presents by the tree.
Early to bed, they must go,
Before you hear his footsteps,
Tread the boards below,

A curious child,
Will try to run wild,
To catch a glimpse of him,
But be careful,
A child is still a child,
No matter how wild,
They will never,
Get a peek at him.

by Aria

Thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to read this week’s post. Have an amazing day and a truly exceptional week.

Once Upon A December Night

Happy Christmas eve everyone, I hope you all have a great Christmas, despite what as happened this year. Enjoy spending time with your family and loved ones, and hopefully next year will be far better than this year.

Once upon a December Night,
A fire burned there so bright,
There I found you curled up tight,
Underneath the candle light,

Outside was white as snow,
The moonlight shone and made it glow,
Crunch crunch it went under toe
As the temperature there was very low,
It had now gone below zero.

Once upon a December night,
I could see you in my sight,
I squealed with such delight,
As you came to me tonight.

If you go to sleep,
Without taking a peek,
You will receive what you seek,
And it will be the best day of the week.

by Aria

Thankyou for taking the time to read my blog! I will be taking time off to spend with my family, so I won’t be back until the new year. See you in 2021. January 7th 2021.