Tag Archives: Elf

A Land Far Away

Hi everyone, my family and I have been out a lot enjoying the warmer weather and not having to be overloaded by excess weight. I don’t know about you, but it has been so nice to go outside and not have to wear layers of clothing. On Wednesday we had to take my daughter to an emergency dentist because she had been in excruciating pain on the right side of her face, it turned out to be an infection which she’s now on antibiotics for. Our adventure really began on the way back when yet again the car broke down on the motorway for the third time this year. Some construction workers helped to push the car to a safer place, for us to wait for the AA to come, When they finally arrived Martin (the AA guy) took a look and found that there was a problem with the alternator. He got some cables to charge the battery long enough for us to get to a garage, while Martin followed behind, to make sure we got there safely. After dropping the car off we had to take a nice two-mile stroll back.

On a happier note, I would like to congratulate actor Robert De Niro on becoming a father for the seventh time to a baby girl with his partner Tiffany Chen, whom they have named Gia Virginia Chen De Niro. I wish the couple all the best. And now on with this week’s blog post.

Looking around,
What have I found?
A room full of books,
In each of the nooks,
But there on top,
Of an unstable table,
An open book I did see,
Waiting to entice me away.

As I start reading the words,
I know this must sound absurd,
But he wanted me to follow,
The sound of his voice,
Until I hear no more noise,
For he wanted to lure me away,
To another land far away.

By telling me…
They’re so many more books,
For me to see,
Step in and have a look,
I stepped through the book,
To a foreign place,
But something seems,
Very misplaced.

I looked around,
Some unfamiliar surrounds,
And you will never guess,
What I had found?
There on the shelf,
Was a little elf,
Naughty as can be,
Wanting to cause havoc,
And Mayhem don’t you see.

by Aria

Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s poem. I hope it put a smile on your face, as much as it did when I read it to my family. Have a great week and I’ll see you next time.