Tag Archives: Grief

Remembering You!

Hi everyone, this week has been a very busy week for me and my family, with the days now getting warmer, we are now back to venturing out and about in the world again, traveling to new places, and seeing new sites. My daughter is there capturing it all on camera, taking photographs along the way, she is an up-and-coming photographer, that has an exceptionally keen eye for all things beautiful, and loves to create some amazing memories. and getting to meet new people along the way.

Today’s post is a special one, as it is in memory of a special man whom I would go on to consider a father, and who is no longer here. If he was still with us, he would have celebrated his 70th birthday at the beginning of this week. A father will forever have a special place in our hearts, that will never be replaced by someone else. A father is there to comfort you, make you feel safe, and protect you. This year will be the tenth anniversary of his death. Anyway, on with today’s post, I have done a special poem and some beautiful quotes in memory of him.

Remembering you,
Is hard to do,
As you were taken,
So sudden,
Leaving a gap,
In our hearts,
Of where you once sat.
Instead, our lives,
Were ripped apart.
And our hearts,
Were left in pieces.

Almost ten years on,
Since you’ve been gone,
The ache in our hearts,
Still goes on.
I will never let,
Your memory perish.
As the memories of you,
I will always cherish.
As you are always,
In our thoughts.

Day by day,
I have to say,
The years have
Just flown away,
It seems another life,
Since The hours,
Once ticked by
And you were once…
On our earthly plane,
Someday we will,
All meet again.

For now, I will keep,
The memories safe,
I will hold…
A special light,
That will sparkle,
So bright,
Like the stars,
Twinkling at night,
by Aria

“Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.” Vicki Harrison

“Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; love leaves a memory no one can steal.” Richard Puz

“Let me tell you, he is the hole in my heart. His loss is my scar. But let me tell you something, his memory drives me forward every single day of my life.” Michelle Obama

“Those we love don’t go away; they sit beside us every day.” Liane Moriarty

“Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever.” Unknown

“You will always be in my heart… because in there you’re still alive.” Jamie Cirello

“Whenever I am missing you, I also remember how fortunate I was that you were in my life. I wouldn’t trade those moments for the world.” Cindy Adkins

“Although our lives’ journeys have bid us to be apart, I am with you, you are with me, always in our hearts.” Carolyn Ferreira

“I should know enough about loss to realize that you never really stop missing someone — you just learn to live around the huge gaping hole of their absence.” Alyson Noel

“Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, storytellers, and singers of song.” Pam Brown

“May each tear and each fond memory be a note of love rising to meet you.” Jennifer Williamson

Thank you for visiting my blog today, enjoy the rest of your day and have an exceptional week. I will see you back here next week. Until then its bye from me.