Tag Archives: Poetry Day

6 Best Poetry Books

Good morning to all you lovely people out there in the world today. This week as been a tough one, on Tuesday I had to travel back to my hometown, as I have had to sort a couple of things, one being the solicitors as I had to sign  some documents to my mum’s will and get her affairs in order, not something I have been looking forward to at all, I don’t think anyone does, but it’s something that needs to be done. Then it’s on to her bank and sort things out there whilst I’m down in my hometown. 

On to another matter, I saw the other day, about a fully qualified Doctor who is available for work, but can’t seem to get a job, like so many others, because of the pharmacist is being given access to see patients that should be seen by a doctor, did they spend years of training to become a doctor, the answer to that is no as they are pharmacist pure and simple. They can’t diagnose you, because that is not ethical. The NHS as gone downhill and needs to put patients first. Speaking of Doctors, if it wasn’t for them my mum would be alive today, as they were called a few days before, because she was really poorly and instead made a judgement call that resulted in her no longer being here today. To say I’m angry is an understatement, I think anyone in my shoes would be.

Today is World Poetry Day, and what better way to celebrate the day, than with some poetry books for you to read to yourself or share with your family. There are many styles of poetry for you to enjoy, from a funny little limerick to the narrative poem that tells a story. There are other types of poetry styles such as Haiku, Couplet, Rhyme, Sonnet, Ode, Epic and so many more. Some will celebrate the day by creating a poem. Poetry can be used as a love letter to someone, it can be soul bearing or it can be funny but whatever you do this kind of literature needs to be celebrated in some way.

Wild Hope – Donna Ashworth

Donna Ashworth’s powerful new collection of poetry, Wild Hope: Healing Words to Find Light on Dark Days, is full of wisdom, that helps you find peace, hope, self-acceptance and inspiration, her words will uplift you on the days that you are left feeling down, sad or helpless. This collection of poems has been beautifully written with love and understanding, Donna captures how you are feeling, in your moment of need, she reminds us that amongst our daily struggles, and with the constant outpour of bad news, you get to find the positivity and hope in whatever comes your way. Every one of us can play a part, no matter whether it’s big or small, in making the world a better place.

Buy it here on Amazon for £10.97

A Poem for Every Night of the Year – Allie Esiri

There are 366 poems that Author Allie Esiri has compiled for every single day of the year with this magnificent collection of Every Night of the Year. Each poem along with the introductory paragraphs is linked to the date on which they appear Shakespeare celebrates midsummer night, Maya Angelou for International Women’s Day and Lewis Carroll on April Fool’s Day. This is a perfect book for you to read a loud as you share your favourite poems with the family. There is an exciting spectrum of contemporary voices. that you may be familiar with the likes of Robert Burns, A.A. Milne, John Keats, Langston Hughes, William Wordsworth, Rudyard Kipling, Emily Dickinson, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and so many more amazing writers and poets, who are all consumed in this magnificent book that for you to enjoy.

Buy it here on Amazon for £17.59

101 Poems for Children – Carol Ann Duffy

101 Poems for Children was created by appointed Poet Laureate in 2009 Carol Ann Duffy, she has selected her favourite children’s poems. These children’s collection of classic poems is all nicely wrapped up in this beautifully illustrated book that was done by award-winning illustrator Emily Gravett, that features such classic poems as A Bird Came Down by Emily Dickinson, Lewis Carroll’s The Mad Gardener’s Song, Good Morning Mr Croco-Doco-Dile by Charlie Causley, Edward Lear’s iconic The Owl And The Pussycat, Bed in Slumber by Robert Lous Stevenson and so many more that children of all ages will delight in.

Buy it here on Amazon for £6.89

Dancing By The Light of The Moon – Gyles Brandreth

Gyles Brandreth created Dancing by the Light of the Moon in an outstanding collection of remarkable 250 best-loved poetry that will last you a lifetime. There is a poem for every occasion, you will be lifted up when you are feeling low, it will bring you comfort in your time of solace, joy, and love. There is a poem for every moment in your life, there’s ones that reflects your mood, or if you are wanting to celebrate or mark an occasion there’s poems for just that. Young and old will return to this book time and time again.

Buy it here on Amazon for £10.11

The Best Ever Book of Funny Poems – Brian Moses

The Best Ever Book of Funny Poems was carefully selected by one of the most celebrated children’s poet Brian Moses, to give you an hilarious anthology of the best giggle-some children’s poems for you to enjoy as a family. This will be a perfect gift, and reading out loud, you’ll be in fits of hysterics that will leave you chortling to yourself for days, as Brian provides you with the funniest poems in the world. Explore the chucklefest of poems like Pet Peeve by Brian Bilston, Kate Wakeling’s Hamster Man, The Jumblies by Edward Lear, Kenn Nesbitt’s My Flat Cat and so many more. They are each carefully put into sections, under ones like pets, funny creatures, school, family, fantasy and fairy-tales, dinosaurs and dragons, space, and poems that are just completely Silly…

Buy it here on Amazon for £7.35

Let the Light Pour In – Lemn Sissay

The Light Pour In, is The Instant Sunday Times Bestseller. Lemn Sissay for the past decade has created short poems giving you some upbeat and beautiful poems for each morning, just as the dawn is breaking, it will surely brighten up your day, using witty, humorous, life-affirming, and full of wonder. Lemn wrote these when he was dealing with his own dark days. Each short poem signifies a message which will capture your imagination.

Buy it here on Amazon for £10.29

Thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to read this week’s post. Enjoy the rest of your day and have a truly amazing week. Bye for now…

Moving Day

Good morning, all, I hope you’re all enjoying this weather, and basking in the sun’s delight. I haven’t been able to, as my family and I are moving over the weekend and last week was pretty hectic, as we were only told on Monday about the house, and we got the keys the very next day, so it’s been pretty full on since then. The Internet at the new house is not yet running, so I’m using every tactic I can think of, to get this week’s blog post out to you, even doing it at the library, my favourite place to be, when I’m not with my family, pure bliss. For today’s post, I didn’t want to pass up the chance or opportunity to do a poem on our move.

The time as come,
To say goodbye,
To yet another abode,
But when will we find the one,
That we can call our home.

Moving to another place,
Use to be so exciting,
Somewhere new and inviting,
But with every passing year,
The joy as simply gone… Away!

Where ever we go,
The buzz for me,
Is simply never quite right,
I’m not jumping,
With sheer delight,

But these days,
It’s become a bore,
As it now feels more,
Like a chore,
Now, I want something more.

I want to find,
My forever home,
A place for us to be,
Somewhere we can live,
In perfect harmony.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, enjoy the rest of your day and I will see you soon. Bye for now.