Tag Archives: Real Life


Hi everyone, I would first like to apologise for not posting last week, as not only was I poorly, but my daughter has had a major relapse in her Myalgic Encephalomyelitis also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS for short) condition. This leads me to this week’s post, I thought I would do a poem and give you some facts about the condition itself.

My daughter was a very active child and never knew what it was like to slow down, she played many active sports and was also a dancer, her dream was to go professional one day, but that is when life threw her a curve ball and when she was diagnosed as having this condition, which hit her hard in a lot of ways. From being someone who was full of life and energy to having no energy at all, and unable to do anything as it’s too much like hard work, including sleeping 2-3 weeks at a time and being in excruciating and constant pain, the curtains were always closed, as any kind of light just sent shooting pains in her eyes and any type of noise would see her writhing in agony, she became a shell of her former self, which was heartbreaking to see, and unfortunately, relapses are quite common for her and other sufferers of ME/CFS. So when she has a relapse she takes precedence over my blog, but we are always passionate about raising awareness for this condition, whenever and wherever we can.

Having a relapse,
What does it mean?
It is so much more,
Then what you see.

It’s a complex condition,
Then what you think,
I’m trapped inside a prison
Which I never envisioned.

This day will never end,
As I struggle to mend,
I ask myself why,
This is my life?

Doctors don’t know,
What this is about,
They are so oblivious,
To what is so obvious.

I had so many dreams
But it seems,
That was not to be,
Has life handed this to M.E.

When a relapse happens,
It comes out of the blue,
It sits and waits,
As it comes after you.

by Aria

ME/CFS is a very complex condition, as it has so many variations that are associated with it. Not everyone has the same symptoms. Here are a few facts about this debilitating condition, that can also affect your family and friends as well. Some will find that their family don’t understand how hard it is, and how severe it can get for not just the sufferer but the person caring for them as well.

if you see anyone that is wearing earmuffs and sunglasses all year long, no that there is probably a reason for them to be wearing them. Think about how they are feeling, and how difficult it is being out and about because every fibre of their being is fighting and struggling with the excruciating pain from their bones all the way to their senses.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Have an amazing week and I will see you next week. bye for now