Category Archives: My Poems

The Day I Left It All Behind

Good morning all, I hope you had a good weekend and week so far… Well the sun as been out and about here in the U.K, something we don’t see much off, so it was a refreshing change not having to be bundled up with layers of clothes. Because it is a rarity the sun being out in this country, everyone as been making the most of the weather, some of us will be heading down to the coast to spend time at the beach, while others will be basking in the sun and gathering family and friends together as they stoke up the barbecue for a fun-filled day.

This week I am going back home to my birth place. I grew up surrounded by family and friends and have some great memories of family gatherings, and all was good, until it wasn’t. My life got turned upside down and now all I have is bad memories, sadness and pain, which forced my families decision to move far away, to get away from the constant reminders of so much pain and heartache, which leads me on to this week’s post a poem called The Day I Left It All Behind.

I ran away so fast,
From my past,
Always going forward,
Never looking back,
It was full speed ahead,
I now no longer feel the dread.

The day I left it all behind,
In the hope of forgetting,
I Buried all the memories,
Deep down inside,
Keeping all the heartbreak hidden,
Somewhere that’s forbidden.

They say time heals,
Old wounds,
But I still feel the pain,
Every single minute,
Knowing that one day…
I will have to go back there again.

The day has finally come,
Where I must return,
To a place…
Where I once called home
And where it all began.

by Aria

Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog today, and taking the time to read this weeks post. It’s now time for me to say goodbye to you all. Enjoy the rest of your day, and I will see you back here next week.

World Penguin Day

Good morning to all you lovely people wherever you are in the world today, I hope you have had an awesome week. For me it has been a bit of a tough week, due to what my daughter and I read in her file, as you know she is a CFS/ME sufferer and has had to deal with it for over 10 years, with no help whatsoever from the medical profession, in fact, they have let her down so much she doesn’t trust or respect them for what they have done to her over the years, and I don’t blame her one bit as I feel the exact same way. I have done an endless amount of research on her condition when she was diagnosed in 2014, even though the condition was mentioned two years before that. How can they get away with fabricating her file, and putting things in that are not true, just because they have no clue of this condition whatsoever, they should go back to education and learn as much about CFS/ME as this goes all the way back to Florence Nightingale who was a sufferer herself, so you would think by now they would have known a lot more about it. If anyone has or knows of anyone who has been faced with their files being fabricated in any way, I would love to hear from you. 

Anyway enough of my ramblings, this week’s post is World Penguin Day. We celebrate this day in recognition of one of the world’s most unique birds that this planet has to offer. These beautiful creatures are a group of aquatic flightless birds, where there are just 18 species of penguins. They can be found in their natural habitat, which is all the way down in the Southern Hemisphere, apart from one species, the Galapagos Penguin they can be found north of the Equator. The biggest of the 18 species of penguins, is none other than the Emperor penguin, it is also the largest of all the birds. From birth they have spent their whole lives around the Antarctic ice, they incubate their eggs like any other birds, but they can do it in a much colder climate of -50 degrees Celsius, which is extremely cold. They have black and white plumage and flippers to help them swim and were able to adapt to life in the ocean.

Majestic Penguin

A majestic penguin is a fascinating one,
They’re cute and cuddly from the moment they begun,
As they start to waddle from side to side,
They start to slip and slide, along the ice,
Watch them go along for the ride.

They love to swim and have fun in the ocean,
But get in the way will create a commotion,
Penguins are curious creatures as you will see,
But really resilient as one can be,
A fish is the catch of the day,
With one big gulp, it’s out of the way.

On top of an iceberg covered in snow
Penguins are so resourceful as you well know,
They look so dapper in black and white,
All elegant and graceful it’s a beautiful sight,
They are so endearing and need your fight.

by Aria


Penguins Can’t Fly – Mug and Coaster

Funny Penguins T-shirt Woman Man Children Gift T-Shirt

Cello ‘Flipping Love You’ Penguin Porcelain Tealight Holder Dome, 

Aconesong Wedding Anniversary Cushion Cover Gifts for Couples

Vivid Arts – Dancing Penguin

Charities To Donate or Adopt

Everyone loves penguins, they are cute, cuddly, and adorable birds, this is my daughter’s favourite animal, but there is so much more to them than what you see or know as their very survival is at great risk what with constant environmental threats, this has harmed their wellbeing. Charities can’t do this alone, they need our help to make a difference, whether it’s adopting a penguin or donating. If you can help to help save these beautiful creatures in any way, these charities would be so grateful for your generosity no matter how big or small the donation is.

Australia & New Zealand
Penguin Foundation
South Africa
South America
Falklands Conservation
UK Antarctic Heritage Trust
Other Organizations
The Global Penguin Society
Penguins International

Thank you for visiting my blog today, and taking the time to read this week’s post. I shall leave you now to enjoy the rest of your day, and have an awesome week.

Loss Poem

Hello all. I hope you’ve all had a good week, for me, I was hit with some devastating news on Saturday morning, and that is my beloved mother was taken from this world all too soon. She had been poorly for the past few months, being in and out of hospital, and rehabilitation centres, and each time they sent her home, before she was better and in full health, within a few days she would be back in hospital, this had been going on since last year, but it still came as a shock when she was taken from this world to be reunited with her soulmate.  My mum was always a strong woman, who was very protective of her family, she became very vocal if anyone attacked any of us, which included a big strapping man running up the road, after he’d set his kids on us when we were youngsters. She always referred to me as her best friend, and her fiercest ally when playing cards, to her I was her worthiest opponent. I have so many great memories of the two of us that I shall treasure forever, from baking together to enjoying a good gossip. She will live on in her sister, her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

This week was supposed to be something else, but as you can see things didn’t quite work out the way I wanted it to, so for today I am doing a poem, hopefully, I can resume the original post set aside for next week.

Those fateful words
Left me numb and in shock,
My world was ripped apart,
The day you did depart.
Mum, I am left in disbelief,
Because you had to leave,
You suffered at the end,
But for now, we will be apart
Until I will see you once again.

You will forever be In my heart,
An angel that sets you apart,
No one will ever take your place,
A mothers love you can’t replace,
I will never get to hear your voice,
You lived life to the full,
With love, laughter and rejoice.

There’s not a day that will never go by,
That I won’t ask the question why,
There’s now an empty room,
Because you left a life all too soon,
You are free from all the pain,
Reunited with your soulmate once again,
I set you free so you can be,
With your one true love
There you will be welcomed with open arms.

by Aria

Thank you for taking the time to read my post, stay safe, and never take loved ones or life for granted. Enjoy the rest of your day, and I will see you next week.

Fear Poem

Good morning to all you lovely people out there in the world today, I hope you are all having a fantastic week. As for me this week has been a busy one, what with my husband who has taken the week off work, so he can commit to finding a better job than what he’s currently doing at the moment, as it is affecting his health in a big way. Fingers crossed he manages to find something soon.

This week’s blog is to do with fear, it comes out of nowhere and takes over your life, “fear of the unknown.” It is always good to have a little bit, as it helps you to stay alert, when walking on your own in the dark. For some it can spur them on, into trying to overcome what ever is holding them back. But then for others fear can be very crippling for them as it affects there whole life in a way that can dominate their lives in such a dramatic way, as going out can become a nightmare for them, so they will give up on trying to venture out altogether because it as become unbearable for them. To get through that barrier of fear you have to try and push through it no matter how scared you are. I have lived with fear since I had sepsis about 4 years ago, which I nearly lost my life too. I am thankful every day that I’m still here, but since then I have had to deal with excruciating fear, as the slightest cut could lead to sepsis again (I am prone to infections), the fear as been intensified with what happened a few weeks ago when Morrisons’s shelves and bottles fell down on to us. So, for today’s blog post I have done a poem on Fear.

I look in the mirror,
And what do I see,
It’s not the same,
As it used to be,
But a stranger,
Starring back at me.

For the past few years,
I’ve been hiding all the tears,
As I’m living in constant fear
Every second of the day,
Every day of the year.

All I want to do,
Is run away and hide
From the fear,
That sits deep inside,

Fear is a curse
An enemy at worst,
Nor is it a friend,
That won’t ever end.

By Aria

Thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to read this weeks post on Fear. Enjoy the rest of your day, and have an even better week.

New Year, New Start

Good morning to all of you lovely people out their in the world today. I hope you have had a good Christmas and New Year. With this being my first post back after taking some time out to spend with my family, I would like to start off by saying a Happy New Year to you all. I have to say mine was rather a quiet and relaxing one, which I was thankful for, as my schedule had been full on, and I needed a bit of down time, a more slower pace, to be able to rejuvenate and recharge myself, as I knew after the holiday season things were going to pick up again, with new challenges and new prospects to look forward to, A year full of so many changes. I look forward to what ever comes my way.

With each new year comes new dreams, challenges & goals. Many of us tend to make New Year resolutions, for some, it may last an hour, a week or a month , sometimes less, while others will have the determination and willingness to follow it through to the end. Whether you accomplish it or not, as long as you’ve tried. It’s the not trying, that you will be left with wonder and regret.

Seeing as it’s my first week back and the beginning of a new year, I thought I would start off by doing a poem for you.

A new year,
A new start,
A year that…
Will set us apart.

Open your mind,
And there you will find,
Your dreams and desires,
Of every kind.

Get a paper and pen,
Then you shall begin,
Write what you desire,
Of everything you require.

Shake off the pain,
Of the year before,
You don’t want…
The heartache anymore.

If you set your mind,
There you will find,
All your hopes and dreams,
And wishes of some kind.

Throw away the old
And bring in the new,
There is plenty out there,
For you to do.

Whether it’s a job you require,
A house or new love you admire,
Let your heart guide you and inspire,
Your journey will then transpire.

You can aspire to be,
What your heart desires,
As inspiration takes hold,
A sign you have now struck gold.


Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s blog post, Have an amazing day, and an even more extraordinary week, See you back here next week.

On The Outside Looking In

Good morning World, I hope you all doing okay. I don’t know whether it’s just me, or everyone else has the same problem. I always find that when I go shopping what I need is always seems to be on the top shelf, which I can just reach, my daughter sits there laughing at me as I struggle to reach the top shelf, but more times than not I always find that I have to reach the back of the shelve, as whatever I need seem to accumulate back there. On Tuesday I was doing my usual trying to reach the back of the shelf when the bottle I was after fell over and knocked other ones that were nearby, which sent them one by one flying off the shelf and hitting me in the face nearly knocking me out in the process, missing my daughter’s wheelchair that was near (which I was glad of). Once I stopped being hit in the face, I noticed that several people just stood there, watching it happen, and not one came up to check and see if I was okay. 

This past week has not been a very good, or easy time as I received a message that left me in a state of shock, which was that my mum had been rushed to hospital after having a stroke. You think your mum is invincible and will always be around, but it takes something serious like a stroke, to really appreciate the time we do have with the people we love. It was caused by having high blood pressure (which she doesn’t usually suffer from), so to say it came as a shock, was an understatement. But I am pleased to say she is now recovering, her speech is a problem and trying to text is still problematic for her, where you can’t understand what she’s written, but we are fortunate, it could have been so much worse. I want to wish my mum a speedy recovery and send her some positive vibes. Anyway on with this week’s blog post ‘On The Outside Looking In’

Looking through the window,
A family I do see,
Laughing and playing,
As happy as can be.
Sitting in front of a fire
Watching it flicker away,
Wishing it was me,
Sat beside the fire
Having a cup of tea.

On the outside looking in,
There I do see,
A child on her knees,
Sneakily there peeking,
At the presents by the tree.
Early to bed, they must go,
Before you hear his footsteps,
Tread the boards below,

A curious child,
Will try to run wild,
To catch a glimpse of him,
But be careful,
A child is still a child,
No matter how wild,
They will never,
Get a peek at him.

by Aria

Thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to read this week’s post. Have an amazing day and a truly exceptional week.

Seasons of Time

Good morning all you lovely people out there in the world today. I hope you are all as high-spirited as I am, as the holiday season is fast approaching, we are often reminded of what family means to us, from loved ones who are no longer with us, to those who live far away, especially this time of year.

I am especially happy to report that I have finally finished my treatment at the dentist, it has been a long time coming, in fact, it has been about three years of trying to get a dentist, to accept me into their practice for treatment, with them being so overrun with patients wanting some form of treatment done, but that doesn’t help the rest of the world that needs to still be seen by someone. All I can say is keep on trying them, be it by email, phone or both, like I did. Start off near and then gradually widen the search, and fingers crossed you to will get the treatment you need and deserve. Go as far as you can, provided you can get there if accepted.

Today’s blog post is a poem that I call Seasons of Time, it’s about the changing of the four season’s and like clockwork they start to change.

Seasons of time are like a clock
That’s not about to stop,
As the hands of time go fast,
That yesterday now becomes our past,
But instead of every quarter of the hour,
You will see how the seasons come in
And each one will then begin,
As it starts to unfold,
In it our lives are then told,
Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall,
I have included them all.
For the seasons are here,
Every single year.

Red, yellow, orange, and brown,
The leaves fall all over town,
The rustic colours are a dream,
They look lovely by the stream,
On the ground, you will find,
An acorn of some kind,
Thunderstorms lie ahead,
As lightning strikes the open bed,
Rain comes teeming down,
As it hits the ground,
Fall is the season of grey skies,
Rustic colours that are sublime.

White glistening on the floor,
The winter snow is back once more,

There begins the Snowball fights
As Children cheer in sheer delight,
Cold, icy wind in the air,
It attacks us everywhere,
The trees are now bare
As the leaves are no longer there,
With just a simple breeze,
There begins our annual sneeze,
Sit by the fire and warm your hands,
There you will see the ember dance,
This is the coldest season of the four,
When winter hits you with some force.

First day of spring,
Brings you everything,
This is a season of colour,
As trees grow much taller
April is a time for showers,
To bring you all of May flowers,
It’s a time for them to bloom,
As their scent fills the room,
Mowed, chopped and cleaned.
The gardens are looking pristine.

During the Summer season, you will find,
That the sun is not far behind,

It is a time that’s full of fun,
A journey that has just begun,
Riding high on an open wave
Or having picnics by the lake,

It is a time you hold dear,
Of the people you have near.
It is a moment that you should have,
Creating smiles and having a laugh,
Water fights to cool you down,
We have enough to go around.

by Aria

Thank you for taking the time to come into my world and read this week’s blog. Have a fabulous day and an even better week. See you all next time.

Wish Upon a Star

Good morning to all you lovely people out there in the world. How are you all doing? I hope you are all doing better than me. This week I was at the dentist to have a filling, I will tell you, I am not a fan of going to the dentist, as I have experienced a few childhood traumas which they have put me through, that no child should ever have to go through. So my anxieties were extremely high when it was a different dentist from a few weeks ago, the first one calmed them down, but this new one only heightened my fears as I had to have a filling and some impressions done. The dentist injected me once, to numb my mouth and whilst waiting for that to happen, he did the impressions, as he did that he kept pushing and pulling down on my face so much that I felt like piñata, he ended up pushing down so hard on my jaw, that I thought it was going to break at any minute. Once he had finished the impressions, he asked if I could feel my mouth, I said I could and that it didn’t feel numb, but he did the filling without numbing the area, so I felt every part of it, which left me in excruciating pain all day and unable to open my mouth, even as I write this my face and jaw are not back to normal, it still hurts to open and close. This has left me more traumatised than ever. If you have any horror stories, I would love to hear about them.

Today’s post is a poem that I did call ‘Wish Upon a Star’. Have you ever wanted to make a wish, whether it’s on a star, or blowing candles on a birthday cake, it doesn’t matter whether you are young or old, we all have dreams or wishes that we want to come true? 

Looking out into the night,
Beyond the shimmering light,
I saw a shooting star,
Come into view tonight.

The stars are all twinkly and bright,
Let us wish upon a star tonight,
It may take a minute or two,
To make our dreams come true.

I wish I may I wish I might,
Wish upon a star tonight!
Let our imaginations flow,
As we begin to let them go.

So, close your eyes,
Look-up to the skies,
Never ever…
Let a wish go by.

By Aria

Here are some ways that people make wishes, hopefully, one day your wish will come true:

  • “Touch blue and your wish will come true.”
  • Make a wish each time you eat a green M&M.
  • Make a wish when you see three birds on a telephone wire.
  • Make a wish before you blow out the candles on your birthday cake.
  • Make a wish on the first star you see at night.
  • Throw a coin in a fountain; make a wish when the water clears so you can see your reflection.
  • Make a wish with another person on a wishbone. Each takes an end and pulls until it breaks. The person with the largest piece of bone gets the “lucky break” and the wish.
  • Make a wish on the first robin you see in the spring.
  • Find a penny, wear it in your left shoe, and your wish will come true.
  • Wishes made on Midsummer’s Eve (June 23) are most likely to come true.

May all your wishes, stop becoming wishes and become the thing you want the most. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog, enjoy the rest of your day and have an amazing week.

Flu is My Enemy

Good morning, I hope you all have had a fantastic week. Mine has been so full on, that I haven’t stopped and it doesn’t look like it will slow down anytime soon, so any resting I want to do I can kiss it goodbye, for now anyway. I couldn’t even take the time out to get over the flu, I picked up along the way. Monday just gone was my daughter’s birthday so we took her to the National Space Centre in Leicester on Sunday, a way of celebrating her birthday. She had gone there when she was younger on a school trip, and yes, I accompanied her, and since then she has wanted to go back. She loves anything to do with space and astronomy so it was right up her street, and she had a great time revisiting the museum. 

Even though it’s been a busy week, it has also been a frustrating one, as no matter where we went on our travels, not one single person seemed to notice a wheelchair with my daughter in it. They would always seem to make a beeline for it no matter whether we were on the street, in shops or visiting someplace, and it didn’t even make a difference if it was busy or not. We would be walking along, when suddenly out of nowhere, someone would cut us up, and one even nearly ended up in the wheelchair with her, as they fell literally on top of her, that particular time we were actually stationary. But it is not just the sidewalks we have to be wary of, as we were nearly involved in a very serious car accident on Tuesday, as a van came speeding around the corner and cut up the car that was in front of us, which had to slam on their brakes suddenly, and then, in turn, my husband had to hit the brakes really hard too. I am really thankful that my other half reacted so quickly, as we would not be here if it were not for his quick thinking.

Anyway, enough of me rambling on, let’s get on with this week’s post, a poem called ‘Flu is My Enemy.’ I thought it was quite fitting with me trying to get over the flu, which I so kindly shared with my family.

Spluttering everywhere,
Today Flu is my enemy,
I need a good remedy,
To stop all the pain,
Before I start all over again.

My body is screaming,
And the nose is streaming,
I want it to stop,
As It’s all sore and red,
I think I’ll go back to bed,
Until I am feeling better.

Having the flu,
Makes you feel blue,
Because it’s got a hold of you,
You feel so Ill,
You need to take a pill,
Some make you tired,
While others make you wired.

As you can see,
My poetry,
Is not as good,
As it should be.
As the flu as us beat,
I’m going to surrender with defeat.

by Aria

I shall bid you adieu as I leave you now, to get on with the rest of your day, and thank you for taking the time to visit my blog, enjoy the rest of your day and have an awesome week.


Good morning, everyone, I hope you are all having a fantastic week. At the moment, I’m finding there are not enough hours in the day to do everything that needs to be done. Still, the sun is shining brightly here for now, which is pretty good seeing as my family, and I are busy all week. We are making the most out of having my husband off work for the entire week, which is a first for him, as his work has never done this before, it’s a new thing that came into effect this year, so this week’s blog post will be done whilst on the go.

At the beginning of the week, there was one thing that I was able to do that was not very exciting but it needed to be done, is I got to go to the dentist, I know it doesn’t seem very exciting but when you have been trying to find a dentist for over two years, because my daughter and I needed to see someone, and after sending out countless emails and ringing around everywhere, even going as far as three hours away, because I was getting rejection after rejection all saying the same thing, ‘they are not taking on anyone from twelve to eighteen months’ some more, I did have, one that said five years, so I was ecstatic, to say the least when I finally got a yes, anyway, we had our first visit the other day after waiting six months from getting the initial yes.

Anyway, on with this week’s post. Today’s post is a poem about a smile. It doesn’t matter who you are, we all do it, at one time or another we put on a smile to hide how you’re really feeling. We make out to everyone that everything is fine, but they are screaming, shouting and crying inside, and instead of telling someone how they really feel, they put on front, so nobody knows what’s really going on the inside, they put on a fake smile.

Every day is the same,
I get up and put…
A smile on my face,
So, no one can tell,
What is hidden?
Under the surface,
As I bury my feelings,
Deep down inside.

No one can hear,
The silent screams,
Or see the tears that fall,
As I keep it all inside,
Away from the naked eye,
Nobody knows how much,
I always feel out of place.
I try to hide the tears,
So, nobody knows.
How I really feel.

With a smile on my face,
Nobody can see,
How it is affecting me,
As I Stifle the hurt
So, no one can tell,
The pain I am hiding.
As I just keep it…
Buried down deep,
Hidden below,
And way out of sight.

by Aria

Thank you for taking time out of your day to visit my blog. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day and have a fabulous week!