Category Archives: My Poems

Moving Day

Good morning, all, I hope you’re all enjoying this weather, and basking in the sun’s delight. I haven’t been able to, as my family and I are moving over the weekend and last week was pretty hectic, as we were only told on Monday about the house, and we got the keys the very next day, so it’s been pretty full on since then. The Internet at the new house is not yet running, so I’m using every tactic I can think of, to get this week’s blog post out to you, even doing it at the library, my favourite place to be, when I’m not with my family, pure bliss. For today’s post, I didn’t want to pass up the chance or opportunity to do a poem on our move.

The time as come,
To say goodbye,
To yet another abode,
But when will we find the one,
That we can call our home.

Moving to another place,
Use to be so exciting,
Somewhere new and inviting,
But with every passing year,
The joy as simply gone… Away!

Where ever we go,
The buzz for me,
Is simply never quite right,
I’m not jumping,
With sheer delight,

But these days,
It’s become a bore,
As it now feels more,
Like a chore,
Now, I want something more.

I want to find,
My forever home,
A place for us to be,
Somewhere we can live,
In perfect harmony.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, enjoy the rest of your day and I will see you soon. Bye for now.


Hi everyone, I would first like to apologise for not posting last week, as not only was I poorly, but my daughter has had a major relapse in her Myalgic Encephalomyelitis also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS for short) condition. This leads me to this week’s post, I thought I would do a poem and give you some facts about the condition itself.

My daughter was a very active child and never knew what it was like to slow down, she played many active sports and was also a dancer, her dream was to go professional one day, but that is when life threw her a curve ball and when she was diagnosed as having this condition, which hit her hard in a lot of ways. From being someone who was full of life and energy to having no energy at all, and unable to do anything as it’s too much like hard work, including sleeping 2-3 weeks at a time and being in excruciating and constant pain, the curtains were always closed, as any kind of light just sent shooting pains in her eyes and any type of noise would see her writhing in agony, she became a shell of her former self, which was heartbreaking to see, and unfortunately, relapses are quite common for her and other sufferers of ME/CFS. So when she has a relapse she takes precedence over my blog, but we are always passionate about raising awareness for this condition, whenever and wherever we can.

Having a relapse,
What does it mean?
It is so much more,
Then what you see.

It’s a complex condition,
Then what you think,
I’m trapped inside a prison
Which I never envisioned.

This day will never end,
As I struggle to mend,
I ask myself why,
This is my life?

Doctors don’t know,
What this is about,
They are so oblivious,
To what is so obvious.

I had so many dreams
But it seems,
That was not to be,
Has life handed this to M.E.

When a relapse happens,
It comes out of the blue,
It sits and waits,
As it comes after you.

by Aria

ME/CFS is a very complex condition, as it has so many variations that are associated with it. Not everyone has the same symptoms. Here are a few facts about this debilitating condition, that can also affect your family and friends as well. Some will find that their family don’t understand how hard it is, and how severe it can get for not just the sufferer but the person caring for them as well.

if you see anyone that is wearing earmuffs and sunglasses all year long, no that there is probably a reason for them to be wearing them. Think about how they are feeling, and how difficult it is being out and about because every fibre of their being is fighting and struggling with the excruciating pain from their bones all the way to their senses.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Have an amazing week and I will see you next week. bye for now

A Land Far Away

Hi everyone, my family and I have been out a lot enjoying the warmer weather and not having to be overloaded by excess weight. I don’t know about you, but it has been so nice to go outside and not have to wear layers of clothing. On Wednesday we had to take my daughter to an emergency dentist because she had been in excruciating pain on the right side of her face, it turned out to be an infection which she’s now on antibiotics for. Our adventure really began on the way back when yet again the car broke down on the motorway for the third time this year. Some construction workers helped to push the car to a safer place, for us to wait for the AA to come, When they finally arrived Martin (the AA guy) took a look and found that there was a problem with the alternator. He got some cables to charge the battery long enough for us to get to a garage, while Martin followed behind, to make sure we got there safely. After dropping the car off we had to take a nice two-mile stroll back.

On a happier note, I would like to congratulate actor Robert De Niro on becoming a father for the seventh time to a baby girl with his partner Tiffany Chen, whom they have named Gia Virginia Chen De Niro. I wish the couple all the best. And now on with this week’s blog post.

Looking around,
What have I found?
A room full of books,
In each of the nooks,
But there on top,
Of an unstable table,
An open book I did see,
Waiting to entice me away.

As I start reading the words,
I know this must sound absurd,
But he wanted me to follow,
The sound of his voice,
Until I hear no more noise,
For he wanted to lure me away,
To another land far away.

By telling me…
They’re so many more books,
For me to see,
Step in and have a look,
I stepped through the book,
To a foreign place,
But something seems,
Very misplaced.

I looked around,
Some unfamiliar surrounds,
And you will never guess,
What I had found?
There on the shelf,
Was a little elf,
Naughty as can be,
Wanting to cause havoc,
And Mayhem don’t you see.

by Aria

Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s poem. I hope it put a smile on your face, as much as it did when I read it to my family. Have a great week and I’ll see you next time.

Remembering You!

Hi everyone, this week has been a very busy week for me and my family, with the days now getting warmer, we are now back to venturing out and about in the world again, traveling to new places, and seeing new sites. My daughter is there capturing it all on camera, taking photographs along the way, she is an up-and-coming photographer, that has an exceptionally keen eye for all things beautiful, and loves to create some amazing memories. and getting to meet new people along the way.

Today’s post is a special one, as it is in memory of a special man whom I would go on to consider a father, and who is no longer here. If he was still with us, he would have celebrated his 70th birthday at the beginning of this week. A father will forever have a special place in our hearts, that will never be replaced by someone else. A father is there to comfort you, make you feel safe, and protect you. This year will be the tenth anniversary of his death. Anyway, on with today’s post, I have done a special poem and some beautiful quotes in memory of him.

Remembering you,
Is hard to do,
As you were taken,
So sudden,
Leaving a gap,
In our hearts,
Of where you once sat.
Instead, our lives,
Were ripped apart.
And our hearts,
Were left in pieces.

Almost ten years on,
Since you’ve been gone,
The ache in our hearts,
Still goes on.
I will never let,
Your memory perish.
As the memories of you,
I will always cherish.
As you are always,
In our thoughts.

Day by day,
I have to say,
The years have
Just flown away,
It seems another life,
Since The hours,
Once ticked by
And you were once…
On our earthly plane,
Someday we will,
All meet again.

For now, I will keep,
The memories safe,
I will hold…
A special light,
That will sparkle,
So bright,
Like the stars,
Twinkling at night,
by Aria

“Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.” Vicki Harrison

“Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; love leaves a memory no one can steal.” Richard Puz

“Let me tell you, he is the hole in my heart. His loss is my scar. But let me tell you something, his memory drives me forward every single day of my life.” Michelle Obama

“Those we love don’t go away; they sit beside us every day.” Liane Moriarty

“Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever.” Unknown

“You will always be in my heart… because in there you’re still alive.” Jamie Cirello

“Whenever I am missing you, I also remember how fortunate I was that you were in my life. I wouldn’t trade those moments for the world.” Cindy Adkins

“Although our lives’ journeys have bid us to be apart, I am with you, you are with me, always in our hearts.” Carolyn Ferreira

“I should know enough about loss to realize that you never really stop missing someone — you just learn to live around the huge gaping hole of their absence.” Alyson Noel

“Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, storytellers, and singers of song.” Pam Brown

“May each tear and each fond memory be a note of love rising to meet you.” Jennifer Williamson

Thank you for visiting my blog today, enjoy the rest of your day and have an exceptional week. I will see you back here next week. Until then its bye from me.

To Someone Special…

Hello, to all you lovely readers out there. I hope that you all had a memorable and enjoyable Christmas and New Year. However, you may have spent it, I’m sure you have all made it your own special version of it whether it’s with family and friends or a much quieter one. My household was a poorly one during the holiday season, and we’re still not a hundred percent even now.

The start of the New Year hasn’t been a great start for my family either. On Saturday it is a special little boy’s second birthday, which should be a celebratory day of having fun, but this one is going to be remembered for all the wrong reasons, as my gorgeous grandson will be spending his birthday in the hospital. Tuesday evening, he slipped on some water and broke his femur, which is the thigh bone, and now he is in traction. He had only come out of a leg cast just before Christmas. You see he was diagnosed with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI for short); some may know it merely as Brittle Bone Disease, which means his bones are not as strong as ours, and his bones are far weaker than the average person’s. He will be in the hospital for quite some time, he will spend the next week in traction before the doctors decide on whether to operate on him or not, but whichever way it goes they will have to put him in a half-body cast.

It is every parent’s worst nightmare as you feel powerless to do anything to ease their suffering, you’re just left wishing that you could take the pain away while trying to hold everything all together for him, but secretly you are crying inside. Through it all he has been a trooper, putting on an adorable brave face, he is one cute, but tough little cookie, he does not let anything get him down and is still left with a smile on his beautiful face. He’s my hero, my little rock star. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers, wishing him a speedy recovery.

I also want to send out some positive vibes and well wishes for actor Jeremy Renner, who had a bad accident during the holidays which could have ended tragically, it was touch and go there for him for a while, but he still has a long way to go before he is back to his best. I have some amazing upcoming posts that I will be doing this year. Anyway, on with this week’s post,

Birthday Boy

Today is a birthday
Just for you,
One you will remember
As you turn two,
Birthday boy
I love you so
How much?
You will never know,
But one day
You’ll Come to Know
How much love I have for you.

You have an…
Infectious laugh,
And a smile that…
Just melts our hearts,
But nothing…
Can keep us apart,
We will travel,
Far and wide,
To be right by your side.

Two eyes that see all,
And two hands as curious,
As can be,
Touching everything,
You can see,
Two feet that just love to walk,
And a voice that loves to talk
Your day will be like no other,
But you will still get to spend it,
With your father and your mother,
Happy Birthday sweet child of mine.

by Aria

The New year is a time of new beginnings, new challenges, making resolutions, and starting something new, whether it’s setting goals, a new career, relationships, or something else. Hopefully, this year will be so much better than the last one.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post, enjoy the rest of your day, and have an awesome week! Until next time.

2 Short Poems About the Cold

Hi everyone, hope you are all having a good day. These days, I try to find something positive in any situation but Monday was a challenge as it was such a stressful and hectic day, as I received a distress call from my mum, wanting me to help her, as she had a fall a few days previously and since then she has not been feeling well and has been in a lot of pain. The most worrying part was having nausea and being light-headed which came on the day after her fall. Like a good daughter, I contacted 111 for advice about her, as I lived a couple of hours away and couldn’t get to her to check on her. They sent someone out to her, to make sure it was nothing serious and took her to the hospital to do some tests. Thankfully, it was nothing too serious. as she was back home by 4pm the very next day, after spending the whole night there.

For today’s post, I have done two short poems about the cold. Hope you like them.

It’s Cold Outside

Its cold outside,
There is nowhere to hide,
As the flowers have gone,
And the trees are now bare,
Leaving a gap…
Of what was once there.

By Aria

All Wrapped Up!

There’s a chill in the air,
You can feel it everywhere,
Trying to keep warm,
As the temperature,
Hits below subzero.

The days have gotten colder,
The nights are even longer,
We are all wrapped up,
And snuggled up so tight,
Waiting for the night,
To finally turn to light.

By Aria

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Enjoy the rest of your day and have a fabulous week. Stay warm, stay safe and I will see you back here next week.

The Photographer Within

Hi everybody, hope you are all staying safe and keeping yourself as warm as possible because the days and nights have indeed turned colder. I was so thrilled to hear that Australian actress Rebel Wilson got her to wish of becoming mother to a beautiful baby girl which she named Royce Lillian via a surrogate, Congratulations Rebel! As a mother myself I can only just say that it is the most rewarding thing in one’s life, to have a child come into it, no matter how they enter whether it’s naturally, IVF, via surrogate, adoption or bringing up a family member. They bring joy to your world every day, and your life will never be the same again. Your heart will be filled with so much love, and your house full of laughter.

This week’s blog is for every budding photographer out there, whether you like to do it just for fun or take it up as a career. Everyone has it in them to create the perfect picture that will become a work of art.

The Photographer within,
Just wants to begin,
I am ready to start,
And create…
A picture of art,
One that comes,
Straight from the heart.

Click, click, click,
Goes every pic,
As I take another,
A story will unfold,
Of A journey I’ve taken,
My art will awaken.

by Aria

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Enjoy the rest of your day and have a fabulous week. See you next time.

What Am I

Hi everyone, this week as had its fair share of ups, downs, and a lot of mishaps. It mostly involves drivers, driving erratically on the road. They have become so reckless without a care or thought for other drivers and their passengers they have in the vehicles, even having a baby on board stickers are no exception to it either. I have lost count of how many times we have been cut up on the road if it weren’t for my husbands’ quickness and fast reaction it would certainly have been a different story. A couple of days ago I nearly lost my husband when he was on his way home from work, he had two cars that kept cutting him up on the motorway, to the fact where he was being forced out of the lane he was in, as one of the cars just kept coming at him regardless of his safety, if he had not slowed the car down enough for them to pass, things would of ended really badly for him. So thankful he managed to get home in one piece. Since when have things gotten that bad, that drivers just don’t care about safety anymore. 

The high part of my week was Sunday when I went to visit my daughter and her family. It may have taken three hours to get there, because the traffic was just horrendous, but it was well worth it to see her smiling face at the end of it. So much better to see them all in person, than over FaceTime or WhatsApp for one you can’t give them a hug. Anyway, enough chitchat, on with my blog. Today’s post is a poem I wrote called ‘What Am I’

What am I,
Nobody knows,
I am hidden,
Just out of sight,
Always forgotten,
And out of your mind.
But someday soon,
I will come your way.

I am a mystery,
To all that is known,
I can be your friend,
When you need me most,
But you can find me,
Standing on a ledge,
Ready and waiting by
To open your mind.

I can make you weep,
I can make you laugh
I can sometimes…
Send you straight to sleep.
But I’ll be standing by,
Waiting for you to come inside,
Until you push me aside,
When I’m needed no more.

I am a book
With many names,
Each given a title,
Which is so vital,
For I am sent your way,
To brighten your day,
No more a mystery,
But a book with a history.

by Aria

A final thought before I go: Have a thought for all those other drivers the ones in front, behind and to the side of you. They all have places they need to get to, just like you. Think before you step behind the wheel, have a thought for other drivers out there on the road and please stay safe.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. Have a wonderful week. Until next time.


Good morning to all you lovely people. Since my last post, the world was rocked by the sad news of Queen Elizabeth II’s passing, which has not only left her family grief-stricken but left the entire world, in total loss and in shock.  when a world was already in so much pain. Queen Elizabeth II ruled the country and devoted her life to her country for seventy years, with precision and sincerity. and stood right by her side was her voice of reason, and her confidante Prince Philip, whom she had lost last year. We as a country mourn the loss of her, but we also celebrate the amazing life she had led, who had touched the lives of so many from all around the world. Rest In Peace

On another topic I contacted a vast number of dentists, this week to see if they are taking on any new NHS patients and found that, I got a warmer welcome by sending out emails than by phoning them up, as when I contacted them in person, the receptionists were rude and obnoxious. There was no need for abruptness, hostility, and rudeness, it doesn’t cost anything to be polite. No matter how polite you are to them, cannot be said of their reactions, as I had only phoned up to enquire, you would have thought I had murdered somebody with the way they had reacted. What is happening to the world, where there is so much anger against other human beings. It doesn’t hurt, let alone cost anything to give a person a kind word,

Anyway, on with today’s post, I have done a poem about someday, when really what they really mean is, its never going to happen.

Someday is not just a word,
It might to you sound absurd,
Someday I might do this,
Or Someday I might do that,
But it’s a fact,
That someday…
Will never come,
If you don’t go
And make someday now.

Someday is a journey,
Offering you…
Two very different paths,
One is a journey of discovery,
Adventure and having many laughs,
The other is the hope of someday,
That I will go and try that
But it never happens,
Because you won’t,
Go and do just that.

Life is a journey, that will take you,
To many places, far and wide,
And off the beaten track.
Don’t just sit there and ponder
As life is full of wonder,
Scary and uncertain,
Instead of just imagining,
On what you should really do,
Why not make someday a part of you.

by Aria

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, enjoy the rest of your week. Live your life the way you want to, make every second count and make every day an adventure.

The Arch In The Sky

Hi everyone, Hope you all are well. This week had begun exceptionally well, as I got to see my daughter Kim, her husband Chris, and their nineteen months old son Isaac, who is a real character, but the thing is, he knows it to. There are so many stories involving him, that would have you enthralled for hours. He is such a good boy, that is so easily entertained, but like everyone he has his moments, which is very rare for him, but lets just say he also knows how to wind his poor mum up, by doing something he shouldn’t and knowing full well that its wrong, his mum will tell him to stop it, and he will go over and give her a kiss before doing it again, this only happens if he doesn’t have your undivided attention. They have not long gotten over Covid, so it was nice to see them all feeling so much better.

I was so shocked to hear the sad news of Scottish singer Darius Campbell Danesh on his untimely death. Celebrities have paid tribute from both stage and screen from the likes of Simon Cowell and Ant and Dec all the way to Hollywood’s Rosario Dawson. I will be here all day if I mentioned all the stars who have expressed there great sadness surrounding Darius’ death. R.I.P.

In the news there never seems to be anything good happening in the world, from the trains going on strike yet again today, to an 87 year old man on a mobility scooter being murdered and don’t even get me started on the cost of living rising. When are we going to get some good news? Whoever is the next Prime Minister are they going to help us, or make things worse? Are they just out for themselves or for the people? Anyway on with today’s blog.

When the sun and rain,
Comes together,
It will then endeavor,
To form a huge arch,
That appears in the sky,
As the light of the sun,
Then passes you by.

The suns’ rays are bright,
Then water starts to form,
Droplets are then drawn,
While the sun begins to break,
And the droplets then do take,
Now split into seven colors,
All different from one another.

The many different colors,
Are not like any other,
For the arch in the sky,
That sits up there so high,
The rainbow can be seen below,
As low as it can go.

In the puddle you can see,
The rainbow colors
Seem to always follow me,
Until their splashed away,
And turns into a brighter day.

When the sunshine is about,
And the rain comes out,
If you look beyond the trees,
There you can see,
The arch in the sky,
With all the colors of the rainbow,
Sitting way up high.

There you sit in seven bits,
Come all together,
To create a rainbow,
That is full of colour,
That we love so much,
This is how it goes as such.

First comes red,
That lines the bed,
Now orange is on its way,
Without delay,
Then out comes yellow,
The color that bellows,
Now it’s time for the one,
Who should never be seen,
When you follow green,
It’s not the time for feeling blue,
I hope you know this is where you must go,
Is the color of indigo,
And last by no means least,
Comes violet that seals them together,
Until there comes another.

If you look closely,
There it will be,
For all to see,
The colors come together,
It’s just like a unity.

The arch in the sky,
Will soon fly by,
From the naked eye,
Before your gone,
And taken flight,
Faded from our sight.

by Aria

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read this week’s posts. Have a great week, and I will see you next week